Unspeakable Axe

Let me refer you to my friend, James.

steaming TV project

Whaddya mean “turned into”?

Yeah TLJ has some major problems.

“I thought, ‘is this an AI-generated content… but apparently it’s real.” Just vile shit, honestly.
- The AV Club

Megyn Kelly is a disgusting human being, but only slightly less disturbing are the White Knights on this thread attempting to pretend Moriarty hasn’t had a distressing amount of cosmetic surgery, given her youth and beauty. But of course this is late-stage AVClub, where the only content left is the lowest form of

Way to combat that misogyny, dude.

Yep, I wouldn’t invalidate anyone reasons for not wanting to play it, especially when it comes to the violence. However, and it must not be understated, but there are some new deep and emotional relationships in the sequel. For as much darkness as there is in the game, it does feel well earned as gratuitous as it is,

The AI people all say if they had to pay to license the content it’s trained on, it would be impossible. In which case, I feel like that’s fine. I can’t do all kinds of things because they’d be illegal.

he strikes me as too weird for anything so cliche.

Just me, maybe, but I don’t think of “showrunner” as an auteur flex. They just run “shows”. What else should we call them?

In my experience, there’s an alarming lack of financial literacy and basic understanding of macroeconomics here in the States. FWIW unlike other giant corporations, Apple actually IS sitting on a mountain of cash that they can technically spend on anything (or at least they were when we studied them in school ~7 years

I don’t understand why so many people seem to think “high market valuation = flush with cash they can spend on anything” but okay sure let’s go with it.

Yeah... I don’t get the whole “They have a bunch of money, so of course they should have made this!” concept. I’m sure there are lots of projects they turn down, some get further down the road towards production than others. Their track record overall has been pretty good in the end.

they were great on the 1rd tour but they totally sold out

This site in its current form has no idea how to wield sarcasm, or which targets to go after, so it just kinda flails around in all directions at once.

So I guess expressing political stances in song lyrics is one more thing people shouldn’t try in a small town?

I’m pretty suspicious of anyone whose takeaway from that Taylor Swift *joke* (that wasn’t even about her, really) isn’t “Taylor Swift seems fairly humorless about herself, and could stand to lighten up a little.” What would she have done if Ricky Gervais had been host, slit her wrists on camera?

1. Just write another unnecessary think piece about Hassan Mihnaj if you want to talk about Hassan Mihnaj, don’t hijack what supposed to be an unrelated review just to talk about whatever’s on your mind that day.

What has happened to this website? Jesus.