Unspeakable Axe

These guys always count massive swathes of government or privately-owned cattle country as “people”, and dense, diverse cities where most people live and perform actual labor for very low wages to support their families as non-existent or “not real Americans.” Thus the charade that they’re pro-working class and

The thing that baffles me about comments like “take the L” is the implication that there are definite, inarguable wins and losses in the Having Opinions About Things arena. You had a take, they had a take. Unless you misreported the population of Paraguay, it’s unlikely either person was More Correct.

Gotta say, your username does not check out.

My list would look something like: 80% of the seasons tied for first, and 20% very gently tied for second, mostly because they’re just less memorable (I had a few ohhhh right, them! moments clicking through the slideshow).

Do you ever have one of those days when you think you’re a real journalist but then you just make up shit that no one cares about?

You wouldn’t? He has the money, I don’t blame him for trying everything possible (and credible). I mean he also probably wants to get back to his acting career as soon as possible and while he still can, too.

Score by Richard Band, too, hopefully.

Poor Hobbit, they ADDED crap to make it 3 movies. Worse choice ever.

It’s such a fundamental aspect of modern capitalism that people refuse to believe things have a shelf life, and that no matter how popular or god forbid profitable something is, one day, even if everything goes perfectly to plan, that thing will stop being both. It’s happened in broad public view thousands of times

Eh, I have all the respect in the world for the man and his films, but Scorsese can fuck himself on this one. Build in a goddamn intermission. If every scene of your film is so important that it has be 3.5 hours long, then your choice is either building in an intermission or expecting theatergoers to miss several

you’re better off looking at Hell House LLC than a blank wall.

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Every day on The AV Club feels like this excellent dissertation on being cool

I appreciate that you responded to me in a respectful manner.

Was Minhaj actually told he’s not getting the job, or is that just a funny story he made up for a new stand up routine?

I think so, along with pretending she wrote a single word of this book.

This is genuinely one of the most rancid, thoughtless articles in the history of the AV Club. It is antithetical to what this website used to be. G/O Media should do us a favor and shut the whole fucking thing down.


Buckingham is talented, but toxic, as he would still undermine Stevie Nicks constantly, and everyone seemed to feel better after he was gone. It may not have been the full “classic” lineup (even if Fleetwood Mac had a few of them over the decades), but the remaining members then had some degree of a satistifying

I agree on The Final Cut. There are some moments of real beauty and fury on that thing. I’m also puzzled by the inclusion of One Hot Minute. Isn’t that one of the RHCP’s biggest records?

I’d put Rock In A Hard Place just ahead of Ruts. It’s more consistent, doesn’t rely on as many covers (though I do like their version of Think About It). It’s certainly a bit different from their others, but you know, there’s a different guy playing guitar and writing most of the songs. Ruts is definitely miles ahead