Unspeakable Axe

Well, he is 90, so we might want to imagine that we’re 90, we mention that we support trans rights, and then all the young people judge us for using such an outdated phrase to express support for something that everyone with a brain supports in the year 2080.

This muffin issue is a problem with all competitors to the classic McMuffin. They try really hard to be a more substantial, possibly higher quality muffin that isn’t too crispy and doesn’t have any burnt edges. And that is why they fail.

I am with you on TFA, YES it aped the story bits of OG Star Wars, but dammit it actually FELT like a Star Wars movie more than any of the prequels ever did.

Listen, we can have a reasonable -- or in some places very unreasonable -- conversation about how good The Last Jedi is or is not, but to call it the best Star Wars movie when Empire exists is just silly. 

I’ve asked this question way too many times in the past 10 years or so, but...what’s going on?

Maybe just ignore this story. It’s deeply undignified to consider this news.

He’s gotta be trolling.

he actively went out of his way to undo things Johnson set up or introduced”

The Last Jedi is the cool guy at the party who is really stylishly dressed and looks like he has shit together. Then you talk to him and you realized that he is a pompous dipshit with a college freshman’s understanding of dramatic structure and tension.

The Last Jedi is a poor man’s Battlestar Galactica crossed with a poor man’s Lord of War.

I can understand arguing in favor of, for example, allowing a child going off to college to share a password without additional charge to the account, but the general vibe I get from these articles is “how dare they crack down on any password sharing with anyone??!?” Netflix is a huge corporation driven by the


Now that that’s settled, can we get back to arguing about the real issue with all of these remakes, which is: why?

All I know is that it made Enola gay.

Is he packing a Fat Man or a Little Boy?

Regardless, the decision to perform the song wearing dark face paint was ill-advised,

The sentiment isn't exclusively a hipster/gatekeeper sentiment.  Independent, indie films are important.  It's not without reason.

Yep. Yep yep yep.

I was the first guy to like Maladroit!

Carrie: The devils coming for ya.