Unspeakable Axe

“The point of movies is to make money” is honestly the bleakest thing someone could write.

They said he’s a singer, you’ve got a device that can give you every detail of his career if you wanted to know. It’s almost... iconic.

She was quadriplegic

Billy Bob Thornton directed an adaptation of 'All the Pretty Horses' in 2000. The Coens were the first to do it right, but they weren't the first to do it.

Because the only way the originals will be preserved is illegally.

I really don’t.

...it just may finally be time, in the words of Dwayne Hicks, to call game over, man.

American Liberalism IS utterly histrionic. ...Of course, so is American Conservatism.  Basically, Americans in general are either silent or screaming, there’s really no in between.

I think the demise of the descriptive verb is even more painful. “’It’s like birth,’ he describes.” Come ON!

I just peed in my pants a little.

And the entire plot of all 3 movies occurs in the past.


But I hope in the future, Mazin and Druckmann resist the urge to make every installment a mini-movie and just drive the story forward.”

I’ve always perceived it as a horror trope steeped in American guilt, as a form of generational revenge for indigenous genocide. 

Counterpoint: Accepting that language evolves does not mean we have to like and accept every single new term that falls into common or semi-common use among certain groups in the population. Words appear and disappear, slang terms rise in use and then fall just as quickly, but some of them stick around and become part

I suspect even Collette and other actors who don’t use “the method” would disagree with you. Different actors (different humans) need different ways to achieve what they achieve. It’s hardly “silly” to find something that works for you (even if it’s weird) and to stick with it. I’m glad that great actors have found

What a stupid fucking article.

Alternate headline: “Emmys Security Guard Does Job, Briefly Delays Hug”

But this is the woman who brought forth Zendaya—Zendaya!”

Someone asked her a reasonable question? And she answered it and went on with her evening? Quelle horror! Thanks for writing an article about this Earth-shattering incident. I hope that —with time -- we can all heal.