I feel like this is the one time where the A.V. Club’s snark would have been appropriate. I don’t know why it’s missing because everyone involved is fucking stupid and deserves to be laughed at.
‘Celebrity comments on comments about their comment’ now accounts for 93% of all entertainment news
This is what happens when you teach an entire generation that being the victim is the most important thing in any social interaction.
Christ, both of these people need to get the fuck off of social media. If you’re an actor, don’t DM film critics with a passive aggressive “jokes.” If you’re a film critic, don’t post tetchy TikTok videos in response. I’m still theoretically a couple of decades away from my “old man yells at cloud” phase of my life,…
It is sort of weird all around. The response did not sound like she was joking. It sounded like she was annoyed at the criticism (which honestly is a criticism of the choices of the film makers). But it is also weird to take a DM and post it publicly complaining about Stenberg’s “social power”. Was this visible to the…
Guillermo Del Toro is also attached as Executive Producer, I assume.
“Hey, Lankford. We’ve passed around your script at the studio and there’s been a lotta great feedback! Lotta big names givin’ it a lotta big love, you know.”
This is the studio's way of saying it's never coming out.
Pulp Fiction being “shit,” we’ve gone full contrarian/spicy hot takes now!
Um. Did you somehow confuse the new and old screenshots?
As someone who recently replayed The Last of Us Remastered to prep for finally getting around to Part II, the visuals in this remake have seen a major upgrade and are now basically in line with the sequel - and likely a little nicer.
You do you, but you're nucking futs. The original is amazing.
Surely by releasing it, though, they stand to recoup at least some of the money they put into it, meaning that the losses they would suffer will be less than if they just abandoned the project without releasing it. Like, Miller’s conduct isn’t exactly what the marketing department of a film studio prays for before it…
Right, but my first comment explained, it’s not always a fallacy.
I think Very Online People (a category that, FWIW, includes me) tend to falsely assume that the public is widely aware of, and cares deeply about, these sort of scandals.
“Sunk cost” is only a fallacy when abandoning the current course would be beneficial. It’s not a fallacy to think that sometimes it makes sense to proceed on a less-than-ideal course, when the alternative is starting over.
Any money that doesn’t go to the crew and talent goes to the executives and shareholders.
Not the point. People always look at the money being paid and say “what are you complaining about?” What they’re complaining about is that Hulu/Disney stands to make millions and millions off of toys, licensing, theme parks, etc...and the cast is the major reason why the show works. More than likely, Hulu low-balled…
For a TV show that’ll pull in a LOT more than that over it’s lifetime, and is practically impossible to make (successfully) without those people? Nah, you can open up that purse way more before we get to the “you’re making your fair share” point.