Unspeakable Axe

I disagree, though I should clarify that when I called Carpenter a story guy, what I really should’ve said (and was thinking) is that he’s an idea guy. He loves premises that are elemental and speak to some fundamental anxiety most people share. The story built around the idea may be flimsy (and you are basically

If they resurrect Sean O'Neal, I'm going to have a coronary. The good kind.

Yeah, it's incredibly dumb. Kind of shocks me that this somehow turned into a franchise. 

Man, thank you. Nice to run into a kindred spirit on this issue. And (probably goes without saying) I don’t get into Saw and stuff like that at all. In fact, most of my favorite horror movies are the exact ones that House of the Devil is lifting from liberally. Lots of arthouse horror scratches my itch. I just found

Hard for me to even tell them they’re wrong when the internet slobbers all over their output. X and House both got a ton of raves online. When I saw both, I kinda felt like the turd in the punchbowl. I mean, I did enjoy both, but they are far from classics of the genre. Give me story-first guys like Carpenter any day

I remain convinced that West is just a retro-minded hack with great taste. House of the Devil disappointed me hard. Looks terrific, but the story is little more than a series of homage-y plot points stitched end to end—practically a Madlib rather than a script. X was better, but I wouldn’t say I was clamoring for it

Oh my sweet Lord, what did we do to deserve this?? Bring back O'Neal too and all is forgiven, AV Club.

Yeah, I super duper don’t care about this. And anyone who seriously cares, and isn’t just making snotty remarks on the internet for lulz, is the kind of person I’d avoid at a social gathering. It’s just one of those things that’s 1) kinda true but exaggerated simultaneously, and 2) just another example of the entire

Likewise. Feel free to out former co-workers for things you saw them do. But if you’re just amplifying industry gossip (in this case, coming at least partially from people known to have conflict with the actor in question, to boot), I'm not sure you're being all that awesome or noble. 

Half or more of these movies are padding. There are zero classics and maybe three pretty good movies and deeply flawed cult classics here. What this list taught me is that horror prequels are generally disposable crap.

It’s not your imagination. Google is getting worse, and it’s not just because they’re infecting its own product with consumer-averse A.I. slop and pages of worthless ads. It’s also a product of private equity, seeing the writing on the wall and desperately wanting to erase it.”

The obvious one I think would be Soulm4te. It scans better than the 8, and 4 comes after 3 from the first movie’s title.

He played a terrific recurring character named Bear Claw on the show New Girl. Other than that, I got nothin.

Good thing they pumped those breaks

Yes, noted commercial whore David Lynch was forced to take his name off the first and only movie of his career that failed to turn a massive profit.

Wait, the AV Club did what..? They would never!

I certainly spotted the Buffyisms, but that seems like a very superficial reading of the show that seems to incorporate a wider swath of supernatural and surreal (and also, children’s) programming. The glimpses we get of The Pink Opaque are much weirder than Buffy ever got.

Who does she think she is? George Ri Ri Martin?

For real. I basically never post comments about any celebrity’s looks but damn, I do not get it. She looks 1) nearly the same age and 2) arguably MORE attractive than when she was in Mulholland Drive. And that was however many years ago, let’s see now (googles it, does some math, kills self)

This is a silly take. His comedic voice is almost as much a part of the show’s DNA as Larry David’s. They needed each other to make that show what it was. Curb is amazing, but Larry alone is way too acerbic to have gotten to be that successful—and Curb is Larry AFTER Seinfeld (the show), having learned lessons from