Unspeakable Axe

Yes. Jerry’s an elder statesman of comedy, his friends are mostly comedians, and he hosts a show where he interviews comedians. I think the majority of his kvetching is on behalf of others and what he considers to be the art form at large. He himself barely ever said anything that would offend anyone even today.

Calling an obsessive stalker a “victim” is a bit much. I do feel for her if even a small portion of what she’s saying has happened, actually happened. She doesn’t deserve death threats. But she also upended and destabilized someone else’s life for years and transferred her damage onto him. And you are correct that her

He’s the optional part of most things. 

Fair and admirable enough. I just don’t have a lot of patience with people who refuse to ever give anyone the benefit of the doubt. But again, that’s without knowing a lot of the specifics—it’s quite possible that X’s explanation for the second offense was a lie. And I don’t know what the handle was, so possibly it’s

I dunno about that. I love Silent Hill (and am cautiously optimistic about the SH2 remake), but outside of the camera, there is plenty of jank in that game too. The combat is beyond shaky and wasn’t even good at the time, IMO. Games back then simply were trying stuff and not always pulling it off.

It was a pretty good game in its day. Not sure what about it screams “tech demo” to you. Parts were rough and ready, but that’s most games back then (look at the first Resident Evil, which got similarly massive and inspired movies also). It had a good hook —Indiana Jones but female and British. They were smart about

B sounds like a bit of a chore to be friends with. I say that not knowing any of these people or what offense was committed exactly, of course.

I know what he’s talking about because the text is clear enough, but it immediately made me want a lot more context. I’d much rather read a full essay about all of that than more news wires about streaming content and IP owned by toy companies. Give me a funny, nerdy story about that time your D&D game crapped out, AV

People have this bizarre need to attribute the good or bad attributes of something entirely to one party. There are lots of reasons for it, and in this case one of the reasons is obvious. I have always thought that show was a perfect marriage of Seinfeld’s and Larry David’s sensibilities. It’s a great show, and he is

I don’t think it’s that weird. He travels in comedy circles, and his most recent successful project was the long-running show where all he does is interview comedians (in cars, with coffee). A very large number of comedians don’t like the cultural shift that has happened where they get taken to task online for

TIL that Nicki Minaj and Donald Trump are basically the same person

The Mad Max movies are positively loaded with stuff that is dumb, but not stupid. It's a fine distinction. 

Yeah. Reserving judgment but I am concerned that they are a little too eager to play the hits here... like, all of ‘em. The original movie is so whacked out and creative—it would be doing it a small injustice to make a sequel that just repeats it note for note.

A very happy confusion. Let’s bring them both here to get it sorted out.

That’s it? That’s the period at the end of your tiny tyke tirade? That it wasn’t “worthy of comment”? For that you called me a tool, a conspiracy theorist, a refugee from Breitbart, a moron, a hick, and culturally illiterate? Please don’t talk to me anymore, you absolute buffoon. Subsequent replies from you will be

So you think that it’s a “dumb theory” that an ad-driven pop culture site makes money by talking about very popular movies and getting people to click on articles about it? That is for sure an interesting take.

You’re absolutely incoherent.

Wait, what? I’m a conservative conspiracy theorist now? What the ever-loving fuck are you even talking about?

Your trolling efforts have been noted, and as your reward, here is the cookie you so desperately want. It is old and dry and I took one small bite out of it, but you earned it, you abrasive little moron. 

Big get? This isn’t a surprise witness at the trial of the century, genius. Just pointing out the obvious. They make money doing rankings of, and bottom feeder news reposts about, Marvel movies—then refer to their ongoing existence and the fandom they inspire as a cultural cry for help, while mocking the Disney