Unspeakable Axe

Is that a thing that anyone actually said? Can you provide a quote or a link? I remember some being pretty appalled; but I don’t explicitly remember anyone saying culture was dead because of it.

I assume this was inspired by the very  terrible, Z-grade Gremlins rip-off, Munchies. It's certainly no "Nightmare on My Street."

It’s a lightweight and half-baked article for sure. I would contest a number of their nominees, and that's from an undoubtedly cherry-picked list. 

This insistence you guys have lately about how authorized biographies are terrific and unauthorized ones are sleazy crap is kind of bizarre. That is to say, you are not always wrong about either point, but just assuming an authorized biography will be better *because it’s authorized* is strange. Authorized

Yes we do, yes we should, and no, they are not all guys, though I can understand why you might think so, because definitely most of them are.

Take your star, dammit

Oh man, now I really want this. Dream scenario: Oliphant plays another ex-vaultie, analogous to the Lone Wanderer, who plays a key role in an episode and has an old-fashioned shootout with The Ghoul at the end. And this time, let Boyd win it, just for giggles (and of course because he’s the [at least, a] protagonist th

Good lord, has this site become just about unbearable. Sean O’Neal is rolling over in his grave. Or perhaps his comfortable bed. I don’t know where he is now or in which time zone. Nonetheless, he can’t be pleased.

Totally agreed, let’s get more of her in S2! She’s such a treasure--and her character survived that episode, no reason not to bring her back.

Watched and loved all three, especially the first two, but I didn’t find any of them perfect. To me the nature of TV dictates that perfection is essentially impossible to achieve. They make a large number of episodes on tight writing and production schedules, often with budgetary constraints, frequently not knowing

Cool. Well don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty anti-corporate myself, and all too happy anytime Disney or whoever else takes one in the eye. But I’m also pragmatic, and don’t see much point in discussing ideas that will definitely never get off the ground. The stumbling block here being that the corporations with all the

Kinja ate part of my comment and now won’t let me edit it back in for some reason. Good ol’ Kinja. Here is the whole thing.

You seem weirdly mad about this. I’m not saying that in an attempt to troll you. I genuinely don’t understand why this is so heated, and I’m not particularly eager to get drawn into vitriolic, profanity-laden arguments on the internet about things I only sorta care about.

I don’t think this is remotely enforceable and any attempt to do so would do more harm than good. Final cuts with finished effects and score and all that are often handed in weeks or days before wide release, frequently a year or more after a first trailer (especially for big tent pole movies). I don’t think it’s

Some additional food for thought here:

He may, but I think he’d have a hard time winning that one. Quite a lot of the background story and world pre-dates his books. And most of these ideas probably pre-date both Fallout and Shift, in other science fiction. Start deep diving on the subject and you start to realize how hard it is to win cases like this when

Honestly I don’t think you’re quite cynical enough. Courting outrage clicks is surely something they do once in a while. But all they have to do to get a bunch of clicks on a music review is write a review of a new Taylor Swift album. The content is borderline irrelevant unless their criticism is SO brutal that it

It’s a bit of a mishmash. The vaults and Vault-Tec as this vaguely sinister corporation, making money on and marketing the war, and running experiments on the vault dwellers, is lore going back to the early days of Fallout. I don’t think they ever explained canonically how the war started or if Vault-Tec was involved

Believe me, I get it. Westworld should have been right up my alley (westerns? sci-fi? violence? needle drops of anachronistic songs? Ed Harris? checks across the board!). Instead I had a squirming discomfort from the jump (“This should be better, why is it kinda... not that good?”) that evolved into outright loathing.

It may be that she wasn’t just indifferent to the suffering of the vaulties, she WANTED mayhem to ensue. And knew that NCR folks wouldn’t roll like that. Could split the hair a few different ways as to her exact motivations, but yeah, I feel like this finale worked overtime to make us see her POV—which is totally