Unspeakable Axe

I think she probably is far less than saintly for sure, though you are right that this episode doesn’t show us enough of her other side to keep that in our minds. Even leaving aside the specific details of what happened to (or could have happened to) Rose’s children, the entire plan—introduce a batch of unchecked

Two hypotheses: 1) there’s a wider spectrum of ghouls in the show universe than what the games have shown us; 2) we can presume Moldaver has had her captive since whenever she went feral (unlikely she just went out into the wild and found her now), so maybe she’s been unfed and wasting away to nothing. It would be

Thanks for a nice set of recaps/reactions—some of the best and most actually thoughtful writing I’ve seen on this site in ages, and from someone who actually has history with the Fallout franchise, even.

I suspect the good doctor is out of his mind, and provided the requested service in the way he thought his patient needed/wanted. His comment after the injection was pretty funny, because there’s a suggestion that he thinks Thaddeus understood he was going to be a ghoul (which obviously he didn’t). My wife asked me

Important distinction:

Do you really think the goal of this, or nearly any, reviewer is to ensure that the thing they are criticizing sells less..?

Very definitely a nod to the first big Angel Eyes scene in the Good, the Bad. I loved it.

I don’t think he’s humble or down to earth. What I do think he is, is one of those guys you’d “like to have a beer with.” Like, he’s funny (and especially likes when other people laugh at his jokes), he’s nice to his friends, and he’s nice to anyone he can get something from. Pleasurable to be around in the right

There is quite a lot more to the music industry, and the physical media side of the industry, than investors and execs. 

I like the part where the origin of the phrase is that she just said it one time. Deep, fascinating stuff 

We’re doing this yet again, huh? Alright.

The movie is excellent and a lot of care clearly went into basically every other aspect of it. Don't skip it for that. But do hold Hollywood accountable (vocally I mean) if they keep doing this stuff. I think we're a little early for boycotts, but I sympathize with the viewpoint that this is not a good thing and

How many “old school” trash tapes you guys release?

Looks terrible. More reverential nostalgia bait, for something that was originally so irreverent. Only consolation is that the teaser is so formulaic that I can hold out a little hope that it bears little resemblance (especially tonally) to the actual movie.

He’s a terrific character actor. I’m not sure he’s an action star or a leading man, which is what Swayze brought to the original. I’d much rather see Jake being a magnetic weirdo in arthouse fare.

A completely fair criticism, I’d say. I like Strange New Worlds, too. But it and most of the recent Star Trek stuff feels far less like the product of a distinct vision than TOS and Next Gen.

Heartened to hear that. We're giving it at least another episode or two.

That’s a fair reaction. I will only clarify that I’m not really looking for quipping and lampshading, just a little light to cast the shadows in sharper relief. Sopranos and Breaking Bad, two of my very favorites, were both dark as could be much of the time, but also were extremely funny at times. And it was

I intend to watch at least one more, thanks for the rec! Hoping it gets a little more adventurous. Some good raw materials are there.

Ah! Thank you, I was not aware and obviously have not read the books. In answer to your question then, as I am a gamer, there are some games that are dour in look and mood (the Gears of War series comes to mind). But I’d say the vast majority of them tend to be colorful (better to show off those pixels) and mix in at