Unspeakable Axe

Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I am dismayed by Cleese (a very funny man who I loved when I was young) turning into one of these d-bags who always goes on and on about cancel culture. But this place has gotten really dumb about this stuff. Rest assured any article they run where Cleese is named will immediately turn into a

The further political polarization of all media outlets (which seems to be your proposal) is not a long-term solution, nor should it be considered even a good short-term one. We are caught in a feedback loop. To be clear, I don’t know quite how we get out of it, but I do know that attacking anyone who even attempts

Something being missed by the usual chorus here is that the entire direction of this—while admittedly set up in the language of “both-sides-ism” that good progressives hate so very much—is taking a hammer to the biggest plank Trump will be running on. “Biden is old and senile” is pretty much all he’s got (aside from

The point is that anyone can be brought back if they’re popular enough. They only stay dead if the writers see no real value in resurrecting them.

The sheer wholesomeness of these jokes is delightful. Imagine the things we COULD be joking about. But definitely aren't and won't.

Show me a peach that can’t fit into a mailbox, and I’ll show you a hungry guy who is ready to make some pie!

Wil has turned into a humorless, judgmental, self-righteous prick. It seems like I only see his name anymore because he was again scolding someone for some extremely minor infraction. 

Not an unfair take. I think they made more of a virtue of their deficiencies than Charmed, but definitely the budget shows at times, especially the first couple seasons. I do think they at least cast better, or more interesting, actors. But the biggest difference across the board was the writing. 

Cheap and cheesy, full of bad acting. Not completely without its charms (sorry) but I'd only watch it if you are in the market for a seriously cut-rate Buffy.

This site’s constant, stupid editorializing about everything is obnoxious. The Last Jedi has a lot of problems—all three of the new ones did, though clearly Rise was the worst. At any rate it is not at all a perfect cinematic masterpiece.

I’ll think about that, thank you! My wife really enjoyed watching the first season of the show with me, so if I don’t get to the second game before then, I may still watch the next season of the show--which may or may not push me to want to play the game, too.

Yep, agreed. “Then we can’t do it at all” is not a compelling argument to me. Find other ways to stand up for yourself or stop doing what you’re doing.

I may someday play it. I sort of want to, but am also afraid to. The near-universal descriptions of it as one of the most grim and violent stories around did not help me over the hump, unfortunately. Bad enough I have to see Joel come to that—hours of unrelenting darkness afterward doesn’t sound like a very good time.

Logically and morally, Joel is no different from most of the people in his world. He “deserves” to die like most of them do. The difference is, if you played that first game, you walked a mile (or a few hundred) in his shoes—felt his loss, lived through his pain, and clung to the last scrap of love he could find. It

That’s how you can differentiate them from real Kiss, because the real deal would have sold out much earlier than that.

This site thinks streamers are like the Canadian government, just handing grant money to artists for the good of Canada (or in this case, the world). It's noble and all, but that isn't what they do. And sure, if I were a big fan of Coppola, I'd be annoyed--but I like to think not irrationally so.

Yeah, agree. Terrific show, not a comedy. It is funny often, but that's not its primary mode. If it's a comedy, so is Uncut Gems. I think of both as primarily dramas with off-the-charts tension; that tension, strangely, is what makes both of them also kind of funny. 

Alright. Pointless to engage on this, I should've seen that before I commented. My bad. Have a nice evening.

I’m understanding it. I just don’t agree with the premise that there is in every instance (which you don’t say, but do somewhat imply) that there’s a lack of meaningful consequences. Chapelle is probably foremost on your mind as someone who is thriving right now, and that’s a good example of what you’re talking about.

Maybe he’s just like one of those paintings where the eyes follow you no matter which way you move. He’s not staring, he’s just got the freaky eyes.