Unspeakable Axe

I will never understand this argument. Neo-Nazi stuff is forced to the very fringes of the internet and society, and in some places you can be prosecuted and imprisoned for involvement in it—does its continued existence despite these obstacles suggest that it’s actually quite socially acceptable?

They’re answering the question, what if TMZ was even worse and put no effort into anything?


Heh? The NFL loves their Taylor ratings bump, we all know this. That doesn’t mean the joke was insightful or funny or clever at all. It was a borderline hack joke about a thing we all know is happening.

How am I buying into his backpedaling when I wasn’t aware he backpedaled until googling it just now? And I don’t believe his intentions were clear. I didn’t at the time I first read about it.

Okay. Personally I feel like Rodgers says and stands behind plenty of dumb crap that we can crucify him for. I don't need to accuse him of saying things where it's even slightly unclear if he meant that thing or not.

Good to see Kinja still scrambles up quoted text at will. This janky piece of junk, I swear.

Yeah, well—I googled this after I posted the comment you replied to, and no he didn’t. He specifically said that his remark about Kimmel was misinterpreted (though he also declined to apologize for any of it). That’s not doubling down, though it’s also not smartening up, which he could still stand to do.

No real reply to any of that except that mostly I agree. Again, not here to defend him really, just to clarify what I think he was trying to say initially. He’s a moron, in any event. Just maybe not as malicious of a moron as he’s been made out to be in this specific instance.

At the risk of seeming like I’m defending Rodgers (who I think is a total nutbar): I have come to believe, after chewing on this for a bit, that he didn’t mean to imply Kimmel himself was on Epstein’s plane. I think it’s probably just this red-pilled culture war crap manifesting in another way. People like Rodgers are

There’s no one better, realer, or funnier than Katt Williams. We all know and agree with this.”

I struggle to see John Mulaney in the point you’re making here. 95% of his jokes are observational bits about weird people and incidents in his life. He did one topical bit about Trump getting elected; when else was he specifically playing to his audience?

Ehh. I dunno. I’m not saying make them legal, I’m not saying don’t punish the guy in some way. But this wasn’t a vigilante anything. He was romantically involved with an abuse victim and killed her abuser. I’d have a hard time not physically attacking someone who used to abuse my wife, let alone someone who was

Tighter for sure. Better? I dunno. I think part of the beauty of Heat is that exact meandering quality, following every secondary and tertiary character down their own cul-de-sacs. It’s like a long, shaggy novel that finds interest in the little details and the forgotten characters that would usually be lost in the

Also no one is sincere who rants about Hitler and Jewish people for years on end, then suddenly comes forward with his version of a PR apology sprinkled ever so gently with crazy dust, without warning and on social media. Just to articulate the point non-sarcastically, this is one of the least convincing celebrity

What’s important here is that he was clearly sincere about it.

I admire your passion about this! I was far less familiar with the book and so basically enjoyed the movie—but I have been similarly enraged by other adaptations that made lots of changes that seemed basically unmotivated. And I can also tell you, even though I liked part one pretty well, part two was a real turd no

This business about the It adaptation is interesting. I’m not saying clowns weren’t more popular prior to the eighties—they probably were, though I wasn’t around to verify. But they certainly hadn’t disappeared from children’s entertainment like you seem to suggest. Circuses complete with clowns were very much still a

It’s just a hack imitation of a house style established by a much better writer than Barsanti. The difference being that the sarcasm back then was genuinely withering and always aimed at deserving targets. O’Neal was a surgeon; Barsanti is Jason Voorhees.

Monster movies are generally considered a sub-genre of horror, I guess, though I too kind of blinked in confusion initially when I saw Godzilla in this mix. If you include it at all, I think it may deserve to be #1 here. Not the scariest of course, but definitely the best movie in this list of the ones that I saw