100% agree. They turned Vanessa Ives into a victim and she was never that.
100% agree. They turned Vanessa Ives into a victim and she was never that.
Good sleuthing. I’ll help here:
Swedish ghosts make you assemble your own flat-pack coffin before killing you.
You are aware that you probably want Diego in a room with Jaime, not the actor that plays Jaime who is straight and has no accent, yea? Jaime > actor who plays Jaime.
I think it can be a very effective way of defining Trump through the eyes of the uniformed public.
I’ll admit I wondered about it, just because I think the only reason they went with a non-cast member is because they assumed Hillary would win and Trump would be little more than a footnote in history, and then they wouldn’t need him any more (same deal with Larry David as Bernie). And now they’re in a situation…
I’ve had a half a dozen kinja presences (this is my new one; can never remember my burner key so I start all over again in the greys) but I’ll say it again: Tina Fey deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor for preserving the Republic from the horror of a Sarah Palin Vice Presidency.
Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.
As an Australian I can tell you that we don’t call them “widow makers” for nothing.
I hate to be “that person” but as a Biologist I think this normally rare event could become more common with monoculture tree plantings. Monoculture stands such as pine, Christmas trees, often for profit but sometimes touted as “eco-friendly” have almost no diversity and therefore no variety of roots to stabilize or…
At first I thought you wrote “Staring at you so hard right now” and I was all, what the fuck did I do???
Maybe they both thought having sex in a pool meant you couldn’t get pregnant.
When is this guy getting a cabinet position in the Trump administration?
I’m assuming he isn’t allowed to talk in this scenario.
Are our definitions of hero and victim so fluid that they’ve now become interchangeable ? The woman was in trouble. She was the victim. She asked for help. The UPS man helped her. I would hardly call the UPS driver a hero for helping a woman in distress. He simply, as others here have said , “did the right thing”. …
I’m loving your typo.
haha! I watched it with a friend and the first thing she said was “He’s still got the baseball cap on, there’s no way I could stay in an adult relationship with a man who wears a backwards baseball cap all the time”. She like gave up on the who reboot then and there.