unreliable narrator

This is now my 5th presidential election that I’m voting in and I can honestly say that I don’t know who is going to get my vote on Tuesday in NY. I lean towards both Hillary and Bernie for different reasons and they also agree on so many important issues. I realize this is a good problem to have because it’s not a

And here is our mascot.

I kind of want a real cat to be inside that.

Hey, I’m as whiny as anyone on here, but this constant need for everyone to preface every statement they make with, “While I know there are those out there much less fortunate than myself...” is kind of insane. She was talking about her life and told it how she experienced it. If it bothers you that she was able to be

Also, on July 12th be sure to pick up my tell all Bears: A Serial Listener Who Remembers, Like, a good 60% of what happened but only about 25% of the Names Involved but still makes “There’s a Shrimp Sale at the Crab Crib” Jokes.

While I have been reading the comments on Jezebel for years, I am using my first comment I’ve ever posted to say: this is MY LOCAL and I’m well proud of it #sawf #lahndahn


If you translate that title back into American English, it’s “Bodega Cat”.

I truly feel for parents desperate to find something to blame for their child’s disorder, but once you cross the line into spreading dangerous untruths because you want the conspiracy to be true so badly, you must be told to sit down and shut up. Looks like Mr. De Niro has crossed that line.

Your vegan diet and crossfit regimen and the fact that you use a diva cup.

There are three things no one wants to hear about, no matter how politely they may listen:

They're both married to black people so it's ok.

Read between the lines of the interview, and it’s easy to spot control issues, especially when she’s like, “You CAN’T ...” or “You’d BETTER ...” If I were the director of course I'd want accuracy, but at the same time it's like, who's running this show?

It’s like that ill-advised tribal tattoo people got... to express their individuality. Other than Aidan (which has been around for a long time), these other ones are ridiculous but have almost gone viral.

Fuckers couldn’t even get “energy” right. No way they can handle Benjamin.

When I was 26 I was just really focused on my drinking.

she’s 26 and has adopted three children!?

Googled “cheese aliens” for a peace offering, was not disappoint:

In my defence it was when they were still all living on the beach, before it really got too conceptual and sucky; we didn’t yet know we were all headed for disillusionment. I have photos of me standing by Sawyer’s bit of fuselage. It was pretty rad.

So, literally, then.