unreliable narrator

It’s widely being proclaimed that the interview didn’t go all that well for Sanders (theWashington Post is declaring it a “disaster”).

Guys imagine if HRC had said something about fucking subway tokens.

You are my hero.


Oh man, sign me up for the AirBnB that includes Tyra Mail!

Ooookaayyyyy, but when do they start voting each other out, or whatever? How often do they get Tyra mail? Is there a Confessional?

I’m sure that you are okay, and you are indeed talented, but you’re not publishing books on the national and international level of Gay Talese, Tom Wolfe, or Hunter S. Thompson.

*asexually reproduces more delicious cheese in appreciation.

There’s a whole genre of Amazon reviews dedicated to the fucking sugar free gummi bears. The consensus seems to be, sugar free gummi bears, not even once.

When I was a kid, I once sneezed a piece of macaroni and cheese. I was laughing at something at lunch and it must’ve gotten lodged up there, and it didn’t come out till a couple of hours later when I sneezed the noodle and was like, “Oh, that’s why my nose felt so weird.”

I googled it...I immediately regret this decision.

It was second lieutenant dingus back then

.... way to live up to your username, champ.

I had this happen too, I was standing in the back yard about to start the lawn mower when I felt this huge cramp wrack my body, then I passed something huge. My husband was like, “Are you ok?” and I was like, “I think they left some placenta behind and it just came out”. He looked like he was going to faint or die

I wiped it on my computer keyboard and went on with it. The nasty white shit was relentless. Just kept coming.

I had hookworms as a kid. Tiny, white, wiggly worms that live in your butthole. I saw one sticking out of my poop one day and told my mom, who thought I was just being paranoid and told me to ignore it. Flash forward a few weeks later and it feels like my ass is full of broken glass. I go to take a dump, thinking it

Oh the dreaded “is it gas? Or diarrhea?” stage in a flu is always the worst. It only needs to be the wrong answer once to never play that game again.



For some reason I decided that using a neti pot for the FIRST TIME EVER, immediately after eating Carl’s Jr (aka Hardee’s, depending on what part of the country you live in), was a grand idea. I started laughing so hard upon seeing water streaming out of one nostril (I am easily amused) that I swallowed a ton of salt