unreliable narrator

So I saw on Twitter today that Rob Gronkowski is going to have a party cruise, and my first thought was “I wonder if RobGronkowski’sPartyBusDriver is also licensed as a cruise captain?”

It totally sounds like a fake tabloid or gossip website from 30 Rock.

What is cafe racer? How is babby formed?

Seriously. The reason other animals eat their placentas is to not leave behind evidence that would attract predators who would love to eat their tasty newborn babies. Co-opting this as a trend is the same bullshit as the paleo diet. We evolved, you guys!

This is just beautiful.

I had the same requirements (no white, sleeves, not a lot of money) - ended up buying a bridesmaid’s dress in “champagne” instead of a wedding dress. And it’s not so wedding-y that I can’t wear it again! (If I can still fit into it, oof.)

Like Drunk Goggles in Google Labs - if you have it enabled it makes you solve a math problem before sending an email after a certain time at night.

My husband’s uncle is a pilot and used to make extra money towing messages when he was younger - my favorite story of his is of the time some rich guy hired him to fly along the beach in the Hamptons towing a sign saying what a dick some other rich guy was. For hours.

I just realized why I lost all my close friendships when I got married. Dammit!

As someone who doesn’t have any close female friends, I am 100% okay with The Mindy Project’s dearth of OMGBFFs. Lena Dunham gets shit for not having people of color on Girls, Mindy Kaling gets shit for not depicting close female friendships. You can’t fucking win. Female friendships get fetishized and fantasized

I think Rob Gronkowski is actually RobGronkowski’sPartyBusBartender, on the regular.

The corollary to the window shade person is the person who keeps their reading light on all night on a red eye (bonus points if you have to go straight from the plane to work when you land).

Agreed. As a lit crit or film studies paper this post would get a B-. Marks for imagination but points off for not actually understanding what the author intended.

A partial abortion is much more likely when the fetus is larger, I thought. At 5-6 weeks they’re going to get everything pretty easily - it’s only the size of a sesame seed so will come out with the uterine lining.

“One of the whitest towns ever”? First of all, Boston is a city - one of the 25 biggest in the country, in fact. More importantly, only 54% of residents identified as “white only” in the 2010 census. We are more than what you see in a Wahlberg movie.

Pothos is great for the office - requires very little light and really brightens up the space with nice green leaves.

I planted my blueberry bush in a large galvanized steel washbasin with holes drilled in the bottom - you can get them at Home Depot or even on Amazon. Works great!

I also go with cherry tomatoes instead of full-sized tomatoes for container gardening on our deck, because if the squirrels eat a few it's not a disaster. Learned that one that hard way...

Rosemary will last forever if you bring it inside over the winter!

Why on earth can't you freeze coffee? Coffee ice cubes are great in iced coffee - no dilution!