
Democratic rule of thumb: in the absence of any other info, vote for the person who is defending your right to fucking vote.

Also, several readers have reached out to me to suggest I watch previous seasons before I review this show. To them and anyone else who feels this way, I politely say...fuck no. That is not the point of this series! Thank you. 

He also said harassment claims were “overblown,” that he has a “flirty” personality, and also that the woman Skiddler was sticking up for was wearing “a really, really, really revealing top,” which prompted him to comment on it.

These Fox assholes are traitorous propagandists. I hate the “don’t hate the player, hate the game” saying and philosophy. You can’t have a game without players and players choose to play. They can all go to hell.

Or maybe... he just kinda missed him and lost his balance, and it’s easier to blame the rule than to admit that you just screwed up?

A lot of times when I see a person who’s much shorter than me, I think, “I wonder how many of that person I could take on in a fight and hold my own.” This is usually something I think about at my 6-year old’s soccer games.

I’ve been seeing this bit circulating a bit recently, and just want to further spread it around:

How can men not be scared? Instead of having all of the power, now we only have the majority of the power. I mean can you imagine how scary it will be for us when we’re down to just most of the power?

Rodgers should shut up & go quietly to the team owner to solve this, not air his grievances to the public.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

I live one county to the west of Cleveland and about 30 minutes from dowtown. What is this strange odd feeling that I’m experiencing? It sort of feels like very confused optimism. Oh wait, it’s gone.


Wow, I used to think this guy was a lying, disingenuous, weaselly bag of shit. But after reading this latest interview.....I still feel the same exact way. I’m sorry that a woman being brutalized by her husband was so hard on YOU, Urban. Hope you get run over by a bus.

You had me until you told me to “slice open with a sharp knife.” You never slice a potato open with a knife. You create a dotted line from end to end with a fork, and then squeeze the ends together until the skin bursts open. Slicing leaves a smooth surface that butter will slide right off of. Using a fork and

Packer fan here. I utterly despise the Bears and every single one of their fans.

Bought my Mack jersey last night during halftime as I excitedly talked to my wife about how I haven’t had this much fun watching a Bears game in a decade and that we are finally good again.

Years ago, while out motorcycle riding, a “friend” pulled something similar to me. Riding side by side on our bikes at about 60 mph, he reaches over and hits the kill switch on my handlebar. This stopped the engine’s ignition resulting in turning the entire driveline into a mechanical brake and almost threw me over

There’s a lot more detail coming out in the comments in the Reddit thread about this (the person who posted the thread claims to know some inside info), but apparently her keys were still in the door after she shot him, and two neighbors say she was knocking on the door for some time demanding that he open it. So it

I had to suffer it, now everyone has to suffer it.

“As we say in Tallahassee, bless his heart.” - good for them for taking the highroad! Fucking racist Republican assholes. grrrr.