Unnecessary Backstory

What we saw today at Spa is light years ahead of anything that F1 can do right now. 6 hours of epic awesomeness. No DRS, no Pirellis, no Ecclestone, no whiny drivers; just pure racing.

The testing stand is even more impressive. It's a 3-story heavy steel frame sitting on a concrete slab a few feet thick sitting on top of some sort of springs to try and isolate the test stand from the natural frequency of the building because all of their measurements are in angstroms, and even at 2am when they did

Actually got to talk to the lead engineer for that mirror in college, my professor was on the team that built it. The whole story is pretty interesting. It was a machining error in the test equipment, which had to be custom built for this mirror because it was a unique design. The mirror was perfect, the ruler used to

My head hurts. I hear he doesn’t do any investments, either. Just a savings account.

Again I say: Netflix execs are soooo harrrd right now.

Not a bull.

As long as there is a top I am willing to drive this to work daily. It would be the best reply for my hipster coworkers when they ask what I drive. “Oh you have never heard of it”.

I like big butts and I can not lie


No thank you on the Lexus-style exhaust.

Miles only and no kilometers? Seems odd. So does that ® symbol They are ALL. OVER. this car and they all seem rather oversized

Sometimes I really despise the things my profession does.

Sincerely Yours,
Marketing Guy in the Auto Industry

(That being said. I could see this ad actually convincing some dirty hipster who just got their first job as an Account Representative for Yelp to buy a Renagade over the Veloster or Soul they were already

Porsche 917.