Goes. Looks horrendous.
Goes. Looks horrendous.
Saturation point. I see what you did there.
Mercedes-AMG ICE in the Zonda but the racing suit says McLaren-Mercedes. Hmmm. This seems most unusual but I think we'd all like to see V12s back in F1.
He’s still upset he lost his intellectual property (replication of personal likeness) lawsuit to Jim Henson. Can't bribe patent law court!
In Utah? Who would have guessed? We need more man.
I remember seeing these as a kid in the Midwest. Never understood the nautical theme on a minivan. My disdain for these probably comes from the fact I was in the back row of a Dodge Caravan, not even a Grand Caravan. Thanks Mom.
Nothing says upper-middle class like an endorsement from the best 6-pack of socks you can get at Burlington Coat Factory.
(UPDATE): Michael Gross visits Mississippi IHOP to film latest iteration of Tremors straight to DVD sequels. All proceeds to benefit local charity, “I’ve Got That Sinking Feeling”.
While the open-top may not pass tech inspection, Brakim racing would probably be interested in helping out.
You can get the anti-chafing clear coat, but it’s a dealer add-on.
World rally blue Subaru is the ideal starting point. Wheels come color-matched for future repairs.
Or rocket boosters. Not sure it qualifies as driving, but that one didn’t end too well for the TG guys.
I don’t see hatred in Hamilton. Complete and utter contempt? Absolutely. But not hatred.
Conservatives are gonna have a field day. Planned Parenthood now directly linked to terrorism.
Some people say the greatest competitors love winning more than they hate losing. Money=winning for Bernie, and most of us to be honest. So Bernie is certainly a winner who knows what he’s doing.
Looking forward to the next piece. Obviously they can’t do any real human testing, but I’d be interested to see what sort of simulation they use to measure significant changes in shear forces. These sorts of injuries are a poorly understood facet of neurology and are only now starting to be researched, mostly due to…
Well...it was money in the bank. Now it is just unrecoverable debt. This is a crack pipe wrapped in peyote with a heavy dose of bath salts.
If this actually reduces rotational/shear forces and is not just a marketing ploy, then good for Bell. For some riders who crash, even those at high speed, they will survive their orthopedic and soft tissue injuries. Unfortunately, even if they are wearing a helmet, rotational forces on the brain lead to traumatic…
This should be a featured event at Goodwood next year. Walter Röhrl can join in too.