The one you just purchased.
The one you just purchased.
The ‘murica hating duo of Putin and Ecclestone must be fuming over the Stars and Stripes end plates on a Marussia. It's a Manor Marrusia, but you know what I'm saying.
He’s called The Doctor but he must be a shrink. The mind games are in full effect!
I was going to reply the same way. What cheer!
This is not surprising, considering the state of Rhode Island’s economy.
Complete monster (picture left) and abominable snowman celebrate at recent Villian-Con.
Rubbing is racing, but spinning is winning.
Great gifs. It really is quite amazing that relatively few spectators died during the Group B era. Pure, stupid luck with a heavy dose of driver skill.
My favorite part of the headline Gif is the wave of people pulling their heads back as the car flies by.
I guess it’s all downhill for Olsson.
Looking forward to it.
Off topic, but what did you think about the recent Speedhunters piece on Mid Night 930?
The collective car culture can wait a little longer.
I want to believe this but it feels like a very complex game of Balderdash. When it comes to the mythical rotary sports coupe, seeing is believing.
Snowball’s chance in hell.
Head on a swivel. Reduce objective hazard. Stay safe out there people
Not laying any blame, but I always try to be careful about changing lanes when there is another car about 45 degrees off my front quarter panel in the next lane over. That’s essentially changing lanes into another vehicles blind spot and seems like bad mojo to me.
I’m sure blow up doll photography is a thing on the interwebs, but if you have as much variety in this specific genre as $kaycog has in hers I will be most impressed. Creeped out, but impressed.
This is what happens when you don’t have a pre-nup. Where is Lehto when you need him?
Long time F1 fan here and shorter time WEC fan. Under current conditions and forced to choose, this is an easy decision. WEC all day.