Unnecessary Backstory

Cars (FF), subterfuge (xXx) and bringing down a German powerhouse (Saving Private Ryan)?

Subaru, I love you but Levorg or nothing.

Looks like Foust has made a deal with the devil.

Only a witch if they don’t drown (because of the witch powers), then you burn them at the stake because they’re a witch.

The lights look like The Ultimate Warrior facepaint. Now I can’t unsee it.

Get a rope!

I like to think of it as a tea tray, given the provenance.

She recently got a Ring. A Spa day doesn’t seem too far off.

Bernie must be a tighty whitey man (enjoy the mental picture). It assures the stick up his ass never comes out.

The 1%ers are going to be so jealous of the 0.01%ers.

As a west coast Jalop, the time zone difference can leave the evenings a little light on content. I really appreciate the “late night“ contributions of Justin Westbrook. Much appreciated.

In that case, you have excellent taste in commentary.

I feel a Balboni/Lamborghini versus Rohl/Porsche tractor race coming on.

This event seems like the logical and entertaining conclusion to most autonomous cars, after you have disabled the inhibitory portion of their programming of course.

You may be correct. The same was said about American muscle cars only a few years ago. Increased demand led to increased prices, which is reasonable. The Porsche “bubble” may not burst as spectacularly but it will almost certainly, at least plateau in the next 5-ish years. People are fickle and another fad, even

Current Porsche speculators are like children. They like the bubble until it bursts.

Persistent purple Pilot purveyor proposes prolonged possession of purple Pilot. Repossessor raises rear rack requiring raucous rage-filled rebuttal.

This is why you need true 4/all wheel drive, even in Florida. Just in case.

That’s a bold statement.
