You know what really sucks? Breaking off the tip of the EZ-out in the broken turbo outlet-to-intercooler inlet bolt. THAT was painful.
You know what really sucks? Breaking off the tip of the EZ-out in the broken turbo outlet-to-intercooler inlet bolt. THAT was painful.
This is the essence of tumescence.
The price seems reasonable, but only if shipping is included.
I hope they sell a lot of them. This is a good thing to have in the world.
Harriet. Harry-ette. Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis. Beautiful, bemuse-ed, bellicose butcher. Un-trust... ing. Un-know... ing. Un-love... ed?
You gotta love Dodge for producing this thing. It’s batshit crazy!
Built by Icon? Worth $85,000.
I do the towel trick in my car too. Well played. Kick mats are lifesavers too.
As the proud co-owner of two children, I can only tell you one thing. There is no correct answer to your inquiry.
Can the engine sounds be turned on while the engine is off and a pre-schooler is sitting in the drivers seat?
I agree that this looks more badass.
With the utmost sincerity, thank you kind sir.
Does anyone else feel like Christmas is coming in June this year?
There are no winners here.
LeMans is going to be great this year. Manufacturers with different approaches to the same goal of reliable speed.
There is absolutely no reason they should not do this. The franchise is essentially a license to print money. The fact that these movies happen to have, at times, interesting cars in them is secondary to the box office totals.
I could geek out on this stuff all day. Loving it.
Both the optics and the entire Hubble project are one of the most impressive feats of engineering ever. Apparently, the polishing of the mirror was done on a float table and at night, so there were no vibrations from the cars in the parking lot. The accuracy and precision of a process like this is just astounding.…
Hubble telescope.