Unnecessary Backstory

It is an electric guitar! AHHHHHHHH!

Is that an electric guitar? Oh man, that’s much worse than an acoustic guitar.

I choose an alternate meaning of classless.

He must be completely deflated by this decision.

Already beaten to the Mr Burns Punch.

Residency and citizenship are two different things. I believe he has dual citizenship in Finland and Germany, so one of those flags would be on his lap board.

Residency and citizenship are two different things. I believe he has dual citizenship in Finland and Germany, so one of those flags would be on his lap board.

Uber likes to collect your personal data.

You would think that if anyone could afford a flag, it would be Monaco.

Apparently neither Germany or Finland want to claim Nico on the lap board.

My thought was unilateral left front brake failure.

That was a close call for the marshals behind that barrier, which looks like it didn't even budge after the McLaren speared right into it.

Do you not like it because it tastes like soap?

The bike control as he is braking into the left hander at 2:08 in the video is just astonishing. I actually laughed out loud.

That is one convincing manther.

It may not give a FXX K, but this is aural pleasure.

Ultimate Man-Machine Union? Excuse me?

How I wish Rainier Wolfcastle was German. Oh, that would have been the best.

I assume these aren’t straight-cut gears.

Rally-Royce is ready to roll.