Nom De Plume

OK, maybe we should start with a warm up round.

How high are the chances of Patrick maneuvering for a job in the Porsche NA press office?

I find it odd my decision here weighs on how the fake hood lock pins are attached. $3200 sounds negotiable if you don’t wrinkle your nose too much and show the vet some respect in person.

You do know cat6 means unsanctioned street racing, ie commuter racing?

Maybe you are thinking of distended.  Bike racing is hard on the intestines and bowel function.


Mexican retreads. You aren’t look for soft supple rubber to partake in this after hours mayhem.

HD has presented their customers with an ongoing memorial for years to commemorate the last time their books were in the black.

Orange, poreless, and dimly lit. She could be anything under that coat of paint.

We need more spirited staff willing to piss off Ferrari and drink tranny fluid after boldly losing a bet. Not sure that aligns with the current strategy.

You certainly came to understand Wyoming’s cowboy attitude in short order. Tell your kid to be safe in Alaska and Happy Fathers Day.

The race radio conversation a few minutes ago about doing a double stint was great. Fairly well echoed what we’ve been seeing since dawn.

Torch, when was the last time you went to a ski hill? Ski bums and ski patrollers are two distinct entities. There are certain privileges to both. Sleeping in your neo-hippie vanagon without getting disturbed is not one extended to ski bums. When the forest cops roll through to rouse all bums you can bet your sweet

Thank you for really digging in and explaining the phenomenon at work when gassed Cat6 racers start running red lights/stop signs unnecessarily only to get shortly caught again by experienced respectable riders not taking risks or countenancing actions that impact others negatively.

My message was far removed from your fruitlessly negative addition to an article on someone enjoying commuting in the open air. You posited a demonstrably corrosive attitude and I responded with a positive message. One I expected would be lost in the cloud of anger.

You sir are delusional if not entitled. Forcing McCartney and bad eggs on a man within a short amount of time is grounds for requesting the flight home be rescheduled immediately. This is no business upstanding people take part in.

How many times do you get hit on driving around in this? I cannot imagine attractive young women in new Subaru’s being ignored there.

Here I am, all ready to offer him godspeed and you poke a cheek out.