Nom De Plume

Where’s the beef?

Erweitern Sie Ihren Horizont. Die Europäer sprechen zahlreiche Sprachen fließend!

Camping farts are worst farts.

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Looks uninspired but for one aspect. Verstappen related car(s) launching into a water feature. Something that has long been missing from the series is cars launching into a harbor.

So his cameo sweeping up a shop and making tea was his still his best work since leaving the network show. The promo for this episode told me all I needed confirmed.

You could drive a Tesla through those panel gaps. Be better.

Their fire is contained to the hole burning in your wallet.

Being a manual eliminates most attempts.

Texan and drunker than average for a Sunday? Just a guess.

At least in the US the formulation has been changed immensely over the years. Currently it is not very good at cleaning engines. Then you look at Mexican Coke which is at least still made with real sugar. Back, say in the 60's, when everything was still full powered, you could use a fresh bottle of Coke to clean your

But they really do!

Coca-Cola in Cyrillic means cleaning agent safe for household use and general consumption for health. This gentleman is performing an engine pre-clean before removing it and preparing for a rebuild.

Like meeting a rather unique friend’s parents who are in town. What confronts you is a shockingly bad mix of still living the sandal wearing granola life with rather bold lines being taken in plastic surgery to conceal aging badly. Of course they are perfectly happy and have grown immensely rich together. Suddenly you

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Sooooo... Our mind is wandering to strange autonomous vehicle happenstances this morning is it.

Honestly this looks like a great car if it is still agile and predictable during the Summer months on the types of roads you find in its native environment. If you live in Sweden.

I will take your word and forgo the almost certainly glowing reports from YELP and the county inspection board.

I appreciate that work, Polestar, as do all the people 30 years from now who can buy these cars used and will actually take them...