Nom De Plume

A scooter for two.

I gave up on looking through every response to see how badly DT got treated. If he starts installing armor plating in his floors and at risk body panels because of this I’m going to lose it.  

That live internet broadcast of their vehicle announcement was a lot of fun to watch exactly because you knew this was a foregone conclusion.

There’s always one in a crowd.

Closer to a fait accompli minus the good and hope.

Rather long worded way of dancing around only three words anyone who writes for a living cares about.  The bar scene.

There is only one grey area on Jalopnik. ;P

Kristen, please have the rest of the office help you set up and run a livestream. Of every available car being...

I think this presumes there isn’t active enforcement by an authority other than the state. Insurance companies are very hep to these old cats blissing out.

I can’t help but wonder after reading this if you came back the man your wife has always known or the one she’ll have to spend years retraining again.

Right, this whopper of a lie was well worth skimming through to discover.

I’d put the chances of his coming from a moneyed family pretty low on the reasons he might have been chosen. Look at the Proms or any other undeniably British gathering, horse races if you really want to to see how low this can go, and social or fiscal concerns do not determine appearance or acceptance.

Not to mention a string of primary school curses.

Car 15, the flat cap really makes his reaction to clout the car priceless.

Now playing

Absolutely mandatory posting of non-confrontational bike >> pedestrian video

Ayy, they put in place for us to double park.

You figure out what the base commander likes and buy the next lower model than they own.

As much as we enjoy traipsing over the solidity of your intents. Take a paper clamp and rag. Install them inside the welder to clean the crud off the wire as it exits the spool.

Poor Kristen, she was right about much in that unpopular post.