Nom De Plume

I won’t expend much effort on something hidden to most people.

More likely he felt compelled to make sure of his own health following the match.  

Should have pulled in Torch for this edition. Kid obviously needs some adult experience applied towards how much can fit in a small, let’s not use the word sensible here, utilitarian vehicle. Like a first generation Honda Accord.

The voice of reason being wielded against a customer unwilling to see sense. Lest we forget why these people are being offered up as fodder.  

  1. Don’t touch the fucking car

Neat Kalashnikov. Looks well used. Prototype?

I will offer a rejoinder that this will get mighty spicy by end of the day. We all know how barely scraping the surface of HD custom paint is going to go well beyond the realm of good taste.

Are you willing to install a dashcam and valet it at the casino?

I debated and in all honesty made the correct decision not make a gif of him thrusting it into place and establishing a firm grip.  Raph himself could not have made that end sequence more awkward.

Ford sued everyone associated with this car. In my mind the new owner qualifies for a BlipShift shirt making light of Tavarish’ slogan about being the warranty.

OK, this was pretty funny given how straight laced and Germanic Mr. Tracy is. It wasn’t until today when I viewed video I realized you failed to justify the inclusion of a long stiff object with bulbous projection on the end. Given your poor treatment of “Position 6" as stated in the accompanying video I feel need to

Well dammit, this whole full and equal coverage BBC nonsense persists.  I had to find a single positive that dealt indirectly with the subject.

I mean, are we surprised your only way of judging the relevant placement of competitors in the market place is fiscal losses and size of personalities behind it?

Forget whoever that weirdo villain was. This is spot on a perfect match for that gassy FL security guard to blister the seats of with his Patreon monies.

I really could have made a suggestion more in line with the criteria.  

I cannot find fault with that. I does need to be noted off road and paved surfaces are merely a distinction in the Detroit area . Potholes routinely rip the wheels off vehicles of all sizes. Faced with both of these theoretical vehicles in used condition it could go either way based on rust and state of repair.

At the outset it was made very clear they wished to experience something irresolutely American.  I chose the last knowing the number of SUV and road conditions they will face.  Their wish seems to be for the first and might evolve towards the second.  Ultimately it will depend on if they wish to see the rugged spaces

When you understand getting there is more important than feeling like you have arrived.