Nom De Plume

Be quiet. There are enough articles about the “Cars” movie world as it is. It might take innocuously small prompting to set off another string of them we’re forced to wade through while they sit around in their footie pajamas at Jalopnik HQ eating cereal. :)

Not necessarily. I would like to amend it to also say small college towns where no one technically needs to drive.

That was by no means the sentiment I was trying to portray. Small sensible European cars and large American pickup trucks/SUV are not a good combination. Especially in this age of cell phones and touchscreens replacing physical buttons. Small cars can disappear unlike equally large vehicles. Our separate

I appreciate your unbridled enthusiasm as much as anyone here. Unlike the nations those vehicles will be used in we have very fast moving freeways and a lot more open pavement besides. Maybe that car would make sense for some underpopulated sea side town with 20 mph speed limits.

You’re welcome for the heads up on this story. Normally I catch this type of stuff while it’s in progress.

You lived your dream! Now you can do social shoeys and lead others into the fray.

Please send this contribution to “Why Your Team Sucks: Minnesota Vikings”.

This was as close as I saw to the expected comment regarding the choice between church or football on Sunday’s. I expect they’ll start passing a basket around next week. Cash and official team credit cards only.

I’m almost sure this was a staged promotional photo with Ballaban trying to use his dominant hand for the shutter remote.

Since no photo credit was given I have to ask who was recruited to stand in front of your gun training session? I may be being overly dismissive a remote shutter was used. Which is far and away the best answer here.

Are they boys? Use that $15K as downpayment on a farm. Live off the land and have as many more freeloading, but not seasonal, laborers as your wife will sustain.

Good to hear. Hope Ballaban ripped out the Yugo’s passenger seat and made him chauffeur through inner city traffic to hone his crack driving skills under pressure.

This is the type of story one would expect from Raph. Who I expect got canned mightily. Did he?

Behold the Mustang on a Mustang.

No quarter given, none taken.

Denny Green managed to get the Vikings to 11-5 the last time Minnesota hosted the Super Bowl. I think a home team win this year could be the only possible scenario that would surprise.

Race coverage is good and all, but we better see video of you doing multiple shoeys on the front page tomorrow, Stef.

Oops, mn_test347 hit the buzzer before me. Take a star you witty bastard.

24:59-25:03, Next, Dave drips fresh 93 octane onto the one surface we forgot to Clearbra.

I get you want to emulate the F1 podium as a fellow racer. A ‘for fun’ shoey or two has absolutely no bearing on your ability to do just that the next time you win. My suggestion was based on this quote from Verstappen who admits it has become a hit at parties.