Nom De Plume

NOW is the time to do a shoey while celebrating the race weekend with good, potentially also shoey curious, people.

This was not a loose allen bolt. Carbon has great tensile strength, it flexes and rebounds to the original position, or in easy to grasp terms absorbs shock. Up to a point at which it cracks and may fail at any moment thenceforth. Anyone with carbon bars/stem/seatpost is running the chance of failure like this due

Voice of reason and sanity. WOT on open roads is for the lower classes in econoboxes and street racing morons.

Did you grow meatchops and a penchant for petting waitresses in front of gf/wife? You know a Jag is working when it inspires those two.

First thought, Asian woman + Tripod + Video Camera + Deserted Country Road + Telephone Pole = You just knew this was going to be a Raph joke didn’t you.

That license plate makes me miss Top Gear.

There is only reply to that car.

Comparisons to a certain US stop besieged with rain have been rampant and highly qualified patter during this lengthy heel cooling. That and Mercedes tweeting they had to interrupt Hamilton’s instalive so he could go qualify.

We need more off road vehicles with a seat carved into the hood/front fender. It’s like a reverse homermobile MIL/SIL/children compartment. Stick em up there and enjoy watching every bump and impulse play out without taking your eyes off the road.

As if that video wasn’t painful enough. I see we get to do a deep dive on the holeshot before the holeshot in the comments.

This idea has more to it than I kindly was willing to cede until the idea of running a 24 hour race in snow instead of rain hit me. Let’s face it that the EU is becoming an increasingly hard tourism sell. Get some hard assed Nordic folk down for some warm weather camping and racing it’s bound to be all kinds of fun.

@waspypants, only driven by the most insufferable of BMW stereotypes. What really seeps out of deep pit of regret in me is how instantly I seized on the B3 as something I would consider owning as an actual sports utility vehicle.

...and for the twice baked ones I’ll direct you back to Jalopnik.

The world needs an electronic manual Fiero packed full of all kinds of weird and laughable stuff nobody really appreciates for years.

Sir, can I just say how nice it is to have an adult on staff. Somehow these kids just don’t quite get all there is to get sitting inside at their office jobs or taking in all inclusive media soirees.

Fails and Shilling. I had doubts about how this new empire was pulling together but it’s becoming apparent all you needed was time.

I wanna slap anyone who suggests a fucking Honda Jazz/FIT until their raw denim is actually broken in from hitting the floor so much. :)

In one of life’s cosmic ironies... Detroit is being gentrified by exactly the type of young people they moved this department to NYC for. I mean to a T and in droves.

Jalopnik needs some guy in BFE to buy and store one of these in his lone garage space for 30 years.