Nom De Plume

This needs to be immediately followed up with the following National Lampoon’s Vacation impression utilizing any number of techniques to upstage their spokesman.


Seriously Raph, you must be an absolute blast to observe using that writers vocabulary to expound your points after a few drinks.

Your wit may have surpassed the COD. She looks both fast and spurious.

The best parts of you rolled down your Mother country’s back lanes at whatever trickling speed that thing can attain.

So what really gets me is after every sensible person runs for their fucking lives this lanky guy strolls into frame obviously going to refill his drink. That accomplished he casually loiters without blocking the frame of view until following the driver out the door to hoping to gain closure with a full soft drink in

I think the kiss of death was everyone instantly calling it COTD.

Oh, but for the leaking roof they revised and nobody was able to find a fix for even after it went out of production.

You need to clarify, current model Targa. That 90's one was sweet but the smart money passed.

Good luck with the trip. Find some fun.

I say this with love.

Since you yourself brought up accounting. In back of the napkin calculations how large was the spread of realized monies versus fiscally reportable expenditures?

This MSO needs a laser etched glass rear window to be period correct. LED carved glass T-tops and etched glass rear window to be current yet correct. I think you could milk at least three more articles out of this rabbit hole on top of another asking for creative submissions to be forwarded to McLaren for a one off

I will begin by noting my last comment, before this season aired, saw Mr. Rory Reid make a Jalopnik account out of ire. Technically attracting that type of attention here should be reserved for staff and their corporate legal representation.

Opening round is functional sobriety test. From then on in is pure indie video game goodness.

Now there is a conundrum for you; frame has some art on it and the model is clean.

OK stef. If you didn’t assume I was a guy would you have responded the way you did? The same angle could be leveled at waiting until this hit the third page and was effectively out of sight out of mind.

Oh thank goodness there was at least five well thought out slaps to the face right at the top.

Oh great, there goes my evening digging into Raph’s treatise on the subject.