Nom De Plume

Stef, they should fire/demote all the other writers working the moto beat here and let you do you thing. Or at least make a lengthy seminar under your tutelage a requisite of continued employment.

Oh geez, hanging around guys in tight leather pants Stef! We are all sure Patrick had to coerce and push you into duty on this one.

I’ll take mine in Ballaban. Anthracite Blue Metallic with pigeon shit polka dots. A nearly perfect antithesis to a class of people who disdain the very idea of roughening up their wardrobe.


Miss Kristen, tell me if you would please. When does the punchline come in a joke? Is it at the very end?

You only go around once. My vote goes for making a bid at getting one of 150 2017 BMW Alpina XD3 Bi-Turbo’s that will be made this year.

Ballaban, a shocking shade of matte and freshly cut vinyl “Yugo Sport” decals applied over top might even be good for another hand full of followup articles.

That’s bravery on an unparalleled level

Most star worthy submission in multiple categories

TIL: Raph hates dad jokes

Within the last few days I saw a comment that DT is the only true jalop on staff right now. On top of grossly misrepresenting her worth Stef has more race days than anyone else on staff. Not saying anything about the rest of the team but you can’t define slow without admitting the existence of fast.

Making America Great, Again.

At least MN will always have the multiple WNBA Championships in the modern era to be made aware even exist at their lowest moment. Speaking of things lost to the rafters.

Wow, honestly I had to google the names of your sports team and what you meant by that. No offense was intended by their inclusion.

Go Bulldogs/Falcons/Pr3n/whatever people get up to on portable hotspots in the state of Georgia.

It’s starting! Next stop someone’s garage with a welder to install a beefy hitch and wrench some stiffer springs in.

I highly approve of going with option B, NY grime and pigeon shit, over Option A of spending a solid day making the Yugo lousy with products far outweighing its fiscal value.

Plot twist, it ends up towing the Raptor home at 40 mph.

Jalopnik’s version of the DT’s involve an old Willys Jeep instead of pink elephants.

Or bad guy of the week’s illegitimate enforcer third son with a penchant for helicoptering his dick inside it. First thought at seeing that side on shot was the inside must look like a dirty bomb full of biological waste went off inside it. That is the most “Fell out the ass end of Dallas’s excess” car I could