
Honestly, I was mostly thinking just their obsessions, birds, plants, and cats, respectively. I don’t know what else Penguin would read more in line with your suggestions, but I’m guessing there would be a lot of field guides for birdwatchers in there.

Well, to Kevin Smith’s credit, he didn’t have the Joker making very much progress while attempting to read The Fountainhead.

Maybe this is just more of him method-acting based on the dumbest possible interpretations of the Joker. Anyone else remember The Joker reading Rand while convalescing in a hospital bed during the first two parts of Kevin Smith’s mercifully unfinished Batman trilogy?


Untitled Avengers Film. I like it. Got a ring to it.

If you really squint, Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One kinda looks like Cindy Lightballoon. Like really, really squint.

No, a third party vote is two votes, but it’s only one for Hilary and one for Trump. Don’t believe me? Tell a Republican and a Democrat you’re voting third party and watch them confirm that you get two sweet votes this year to each of their paltry one.

I hate to needle you, but you’re really thread-ening my superiority at punning. I don’t want to string-arm you into doing something you don’t want, but you really need to stop that.

Living in Colorado…

We only spent a few seconds there, but Universe 420 seems like a pretty awful place (if you’re not sure why it would be awful, just ask the nearest stoner why it would be awesome).

Okay, I know this is going to get lost if I just bookmark it or Instapaper it, so someone please reply to my comment so I’ll have a notification to bring me back here after work when I won’t be freaking my coworkers out by laughing like a loon at this stuff.

Or maybe that’s just a ruse he concocted so that he could get the first scoop. It’s just the sort of dastardly, slimy, nonsensical, underhanded scheme a menace like Spider-Man would cook up.

Gee, Spider-man fighting a super “villain”. Who would be filming that?

Cool. Cool cool cool.

Yeah, but the series wasn’t subtitled after Defiant like Voyager, Enterprise, and now Discovery were.

Yeah she was. She’s got lumps in all the right places. Mm-hmm.

which, in the grand tradition of Star Trek, is also the name of the ship

Please, everyone knows “women” were invented in the 1960's by radical feminists. Before that, all of history was just manly men being manly and doing what they pleased with objects with tits… like ship’s figureheads… and dress mannequins… and sufficiently lumpy trees.

What’s the word for the opposite of Method Acting? “Joseph Gilgun”

Now playing

Who had any doubt about what kind of people worked at NASA? I thought the answer was pretty obvious: