
Okay, how about this? The Ghostbusters go out of business after the events of Ghostbusters II, or Real Ghostbusters, or whatever spin-offs you want to canonize.

Prequel? Online only? New, proprietary streaming service? First new thing we’ve gotten from a beloved Sci-fi series that’s been off the air for a preposterously long time?

I first saw this post on mobile and had to move to a larger screen (I suppose I probably could have simply zoomed in) to confirm that Aubrey Plaza was not, in fact, playing Molly.

It’s no “The Gadmesters of Tregskeglion”, but it’s a good episode.

Now playing

Someone beat me to “Tank” from Cowboy Bebop, but this one is definitely up there too:

I remember someone theorizing that the White Walkers would somehow freeze the bay by Eastwatch and just walk across it. I was half-expecting undead Viserion to have some sort of Ice Breath that would freeze the water for them. Destroying the Wall with Blue Fire is pretty cool too though.

Is that some sort of touched up screenshot, like when someone colorizes a photo from the Civil War, or have I just been watching the show in some crappy, muted color scheme? Because as far as I could tell, it was one of Daenerys’ three black dragons who got killed and undeadified out beyond the Wall, but the two in

is a moron

Okay, here’s what I said earlier, let me know what you thought you needed to correct with this reply:

Not saying it wouldn’t be difficult, and certainly not saying that Drogon (the poorly behaved little shit) wouldn’t be the most difficult one to saddle up, but it would be a good idea to try, especially when your entire strategy involves you not taking the field except on dragon-back. There’s a million things going on

Outside of their mystical connection to fire, Dragons are largely treated as biological organisms. They’re far less supernatural in that regard than the White Walkers. Sufficient force can pierce a dragon’s hide. It’s a bad thing if they stop eating. They have a relatively predictable anatomy, which suggests internal

I know that. Did you miss my reference to the Roman “Scorpio”?

Daenerys, you’ve had the better part of seven years planning to ride your dragons into battle. You’ve got countless dragon-riding warriors in your family history. Your entire claim to the throne of Westeros comes from the fact that your ancestor and his siblings rode dragons into battle. You must have been able to get

Cersei or someone working for her has poisoned someone in almost every episode this season.

Now playing

I don’t know if it’s technically a single, much less a hit single, but it deserves mention as a pretty awesome movie song:

So, does Beric Dondarrion still being alive and kicking in this trailer finally put down all our hopes and dreams of seeing Lady Stoneheart come to… er… life on the show?

“Twice”? That could be anyone in the Iron Man suit. This could be the movie where Tony Stark finally decides to try the “high-tech bodyguard” excuse that I’m not convinced anyone anywhere ever believed. The fact that he does it after a million years of being publicly Iron Man just highlights that he’s a terrible

Spaceballs broke the Alien franchise for me. I can never see a chestburster without that song popping into my head making me break out in hysterics.

I’ve been joking since I saw it last week that “Yondu” is a title, like “The Dread Pirate Roberts”. The one Ravager who stayed loyal to Yondu and who inherited his crest and arrow is going to be the new Yondu.

I dunno. Old Kvothe is pretty humble and all too willing to badmouth young Kvothe for being young and naive and nowhere near as awesome as everyone says.