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Meanwhile, the extras who play all the peasants are like…

Co-meat me, bro. As in, “You and I, bro, getting some meat together.” I’m sure that’s it.

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They assumed lightning couldn’t possibly strike twice?

Yeah, it’s that new game that’s triggering some nostalgia for a simple time that’s causing us to put off adult milestones, not the terrible economy we were shoved into, not the deluge of propaganda that told us to follow our dreams and get a degree for whatever crazy dream job we had and not worry about the loans we

That sounds familiar, but I wasn’t sure if it was old canon or still canon, so I didn’t mention it. I literally knew a non-gray Imperial uniform showed up way back in 1977, and that’s all I was confident to comment on at this point.

Well, going by the old scheme of what is and isn’t canon, there was no difference between “something the EU writers came up with” and canon unless it was directly contradicted by a movie or TV show, so in the old days of the EU, it was canon specifically because the EU writers came up with it and George Lucas didn’t

The white uniform wasn’t created entirely from whole cloth. There was a guy wearing one in the Death Star conference room way back in A New Hope. I’m not sure what of his biography is still canon at this point, but if Zahn was half the obsessive fan that we are, he picked out the white uniform from that background

Guys, I think it’s a joke about the prevalence of the phrase, “______ ruined my childhood,” not a serious review of the movie Matt hasn’t seen yet. The point is that, whether you love or hate the 2016 Ghostbusters movie, the 1984 one still exists and can cause you roughly the same amount of joy as it did back in the

His antics are a bit more benign. He didn’t have to chop up vampires with an axe* to method act the hell out of Abraham Lincoln, but a fair amount of his time on the talk show circuit for Lincoln involved “amusing” anecdotes about how he method-acted Lincoln. I think, whether it’s Leto’s harassment or Daniel Day

Was that before or after somebody stole your sweetroll?

I saw a grainy video on YouTube that says the T. Rex is secretary of State.

The real stars have 9 points, one for each of the original colonies that actually made a difference in the Revolution: Virginia, Massachussetts, New York, Switzerland, California, Hong Kong, Georgia, Delaware, and Mars Base One.

No, man, that’s what they want you to think. The reanimated corpse of Nixon is, like, fifth in line at best. Maybe sixth. First you’d need to short out Cyborg FDR with some sort of electromagnetic pulse, then—

That sucks. However, whether it’s denying science like climate change deniers or anti-vaxxers do or full-blown crazy like conspiracy theorists, I’ve yet to see anyone logic that sort of wrongness away. And that’s why I mock. If you can’t beat ‘em, overwhelm them with hyperbolic imitations in the hopes that they see

Am I A Lion? The Early Years of Jubal Early

After all, she could easily be part of the conspiracy. Just sayin’

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Honestly, I also don’t care how you feel. Make this happen.

Aaah! I can only ever think of Pushing Daisies when I hear about that cheese. I guess now I just have to rewatch the entire series…

It doesn’t matter where you put it when it’s nacho cheese to begin with! Seriously, there’s nothing gouda about these crimes, and if you think there’s a silver lining, you don’t know [Monterrey] Jack! Perhaps you could brie a little bit more sensitive to the real victims of these cheese heists.