
That's such a delightfully clunky portmanteau. I love it.

Some people might say this is above average Frank Miller dialogue. Some people might suggest it’s more coherent, less full of misogyny, racism, and general crazy. That’s what some people might say about that page.

Watching The Martian has been on my to-do list ever since I finished the audiobook. I didn’t know he was in it.

If it’s anything like regular Risk, I’ve found an app that can do it for you.

“Including such box office smash hits as Iron-Muscled Jeffery …”

I don’t care, so long as I get more Donald Glover in my life. There’s been a Donald-Glover shaped hole ever since he left Community.

Cap-dean America: Civil Dean.

I don’t buy that theory. Cersei is a terrible ruler, and a terrible person, but she's also a political climber. Also, she's not Aerys Targaryen-crazy. She doesn't strike me as the type to blow up all her political aspirations and the last people that she cares for/can exploit.

Hmm. Fair enough. I guess I’m more used to hearing it when the Lannisters have already won, not just to foreshadow something when we don’t yet have all the pieces to see how they’re about to win.

Who decided on the music for this episode? Precocious, adorable Tommen outlaws trial by combat, thus removing his mother’s best chance of winning her trial, and they bust out that classic scheming Lannister victory tune, “The Rains of Castamere.” Jaime goes full sociopath to threaten Edmure Tully into surrendering

I like it. I assume we’re looking at the traditional nuclear origin for Godzilla (is there any other? I feel like it’s been suggested in some of the more poorly-received Godzilla reboots, but I’m not 100%), in which case, perhaps we’re not seeing a bunch of fat around his thighs, or the muscle mass needed to keep a

I love All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder so much though! I mean, without a doubt, it’s utterly terrible, but it’s a fantastic piece of so-bad-it’s-good comics creation, and it’s really helped by the fact that the writing of Frank Miller banging his head on a typewriter until enough crazy comes out to fill a comic

Breaking! Security Officials: ‘Hey, look over there!’

I think Lyanna Mormont just became the most desirable candidate for the Iron Throne this show has yet seen. They’d best find a way to get that adorable little barbarian into the Red Keep or I’m tuning out (which, I guess I already will be since I can’t imagine there’ll be much, if anything left by the time we see

Hot Fuzz is nigh unassailable. If there’s a more perfect movie out there, I don’t know.

I hope this works, if only so that Reboots of Shitty Adaptations of Great Source Material can become a thing in Hollywood. His Dark Materials really deserves to get tried again. There have been a lot of terrible adaptations of beloved books and comics out there that need a do-over more than the reboots we’ve seen over

Because on Game of Thrones, the characters that they build up as nothing-but-hate-able are always the ones that die when put into conflict with a likeable main character.

Your theory about Arya, while still a massive stretch, may not be that massive of a stretch. Remember when she first met Jaqen H’ghar (as close to a “real” Jaqen H’ghar as there probably ever was) back in Season 2? When she saved him and those two other dudes, she “stole” three lives from the Many-Faced God and got to

I kinda forgot about this in all my squeeing about Coldhands showing up finally, but has anyone else noticed that Drogon is positively huge now? He’s, like, as big as a proper dragon now (and if I recall the lore correctly, and it is in fact correct, not done growing).