
I figured CGI was pretty much the only way that could have been pulled off, and I know, in spite of the show being bigger than Jesus, their budget for CGI is still basically “the Dragons, and only when we absolutely can’t get away with a sound effect or their shadow or something”, so yeah, I figured Coldhands on an

Hey Coldhands, nice to see you’re here and not dragging your feet about being Benjen Stark in the show, but too bad they couldn’t spring to have you ride in on a badass giant elk.

Gilly mentioned White Walkers and practically got laughed out of the room. I’m pretty sure that given Sam’s relationship with his father, he wouldn’t have gotten such a pleasant response. Something along the lines of “Stupid, cowardly Sam making up stories about fairy tale monsters,” is probably the best he could

Introducing the 2017 Toyota Camry:

Damn it, Jim! I’m a doctor not a blood bank!

But Star Trek has an endless supply of characters people bit parts it can kill to raise the stakes. Who needs to destroy the Enterprise when you’ve got a few trusty redshirts around to prove how high the stakes are?

Spoilers: The hammer-eating AC unit is the sequel’s villain. The Justice League needs to figure out how to stop this mechanical madman before the world gets too hot and noisy.

As far as I know, they’ve never tried it with Time Travel*, so that’s kinda new.

Of course since the article is about booming cephalopod populations in general rather than just octo-whatevers, any plural of octopus is incorrect since that’s leaving out the squids and cuttlefish.

How could it not win her the day? When has refusing to be a scheming asshole ever worked out poorly for a Stark?

“Hold the door!” is absolutely not all, not when it comes mere moments after the undead mobbed, presumably fatally, Summer.

Deadpool, Preacher, The Boys, clearly we’re living in a golden age of celebrities getting to turn comics with relatively niche, dare I say, “cult” appeal into their passion projects and the money behind said projects just being hands-off and letting them make something mostly faithful to the source material.

Good, good, they’re on the right track. Now they just need to realize that these “comic books” that are home to all the characters they’re hoping to make a profit from might be more than just toilet paper that happens to have art of characters they want to make movies about, but might also have good stories, fans

Now playing

Man, these guys missed April 1st by a longshot… wait… does that mean… ughhh.

What? No way, that TIE Striker is clearly Sienar Fleet Systems adapting the basic shape of the wildly successful Jedi Interceptor to prototype a few features that will become standard on its fighters and bombers for decades to come (most notably, the ball cockpit and significantly more real estate dedicated to solar

Thank you, all 45,000 of you for pointing out that sometimes braziers are filled with oil. I don’t really use braziers in my day-to-day existence, so I’m only really familiar with them from whichever D&D book gives the example of flinging a brazier full of burning coals at your enemy as an example of environmental

I’m assuming Osha’s reference to cannibals was to the Thenns. That seems like the Occam’s razor solution: The Wildlings we’ve seen eating people, rather than the folks hinted at in the books and rumored to eat people.

I get that there’s fuel, D&D and various fantasy literature (what? I don’t regularly use braziers in my day-to-day life) has taught me to expect them to use wood or charcoal rather than oil. It wasn’t a thing I expected, but hey, glad I could get a million people talking down to me for that.

Daenerys being fireproof has been well established (the show bugs me every time her hair doesn’t burn like it’s done twice already in the books). How the floor of the temple got covered with a pool of rubbing alcohol so the fire could spread the way it did is weird. I’ve got no problem with an improbable fire

Well, we saw Osha first, but considering that at that time, there were already enough books in which Asha was a far bigger player even if the showrunners didn’t know at the time that Osha was going to get unceremoniously killed after three seasons of doing something off screen.