
Well, we can all see how Osha turned out to be a more major character than Asha, thus necesitating that Asha get a dumb new name for the TV show. Two or three seasons without being seen only to be unceremoniously stabbed in the neck. Way to go, show, you really picked the winner to get to keep her book name. What’s Ash

Drizz’t Do’urden novels, and Black Isle CRPGs aside.

Well, it’s not like pop-culture and merchandise based on Marvel characters is new to the Marvel universe. I recall one of the kids from Runaways being a big can of a video game based on the real-world superheroes of the Marvel Universe.

I totally misread “a Norman Smith” as a name rather than a job title, and I was like, “Who’s Norman Smith, and why do I care about his spear-forging methods?”

You could say that the classic board game, Battleship didn’t have a plot, but making a movie out of it turned out to be… uh… a thing that happened.

What’s up with that Missile Command port? Where’s the iconic “THE END” inside an explosion when you inevitably lose?

Now playing

Well, since the Monty Python angle has been thoroughly covered, I’ll bring up the other obligatory reference to the Spanish Inquisition in classic comedy:

I assumed, since dolphins tend to eat fish, the sentiment there was more along the lines of, “It’s literally another cheeseburger to me.” You know, not that I’m a cheeseburger, but that there’s not a significant difference between a bison burger and a beef burger, or a turkey burger.

And yet so many of its haters act like every dollar spent on the game was funneled straight into resurrecting Hitler or something.

Now playing

I wonder which is cheaper, buying/building a working Proton Pack or reaching a high enough level in Reformed Neo-Buddhism to simply eat the ghost.

It would be a nice gesture for Beyond Earth haters to shut up and stop being so freaking smug for once. So, I’m guessing Beyond Earth is the only game that’s ever let you down, or are you a colossal asshole about every game you ever had high hopes for that didn’t pan out?

“Hail Hydra.”

Based on the attacking picture, when Litten attacks, it seems to generate some spines* or pointy tufts of fur that kind of resemble a series of volcanoes. I wonder if that may become part of the direction it goes when it evolves, adding Rock Type and dripping lava out of its back or something, like a more badass,

Shocking twist: Rowlett loses whatever flying ability it had when it evolves and instead evolves into an owlbear-inspired Pokemon.

Maybe it’s just because No One’s storyline involves repeating the same dialogue so much, and/or because we’ve checked in with it practically every week, but to me, it’s felt the exact opposite of fast. I stand by my extrmely sarcastic comment from last night: I’m just not convinced the audience understands yet that a

So, does that mean after that we’ll be seeing them interact with the Singer movies, “Trials and Tribble-ations” style? I would be all for that!

Damn it, I didn’t even think of that one.

Well, I was definitely one of those people saying that Jon wouldn’t exploit a technicality like undeath to get out of his vows to the Night’s Watch. Guess I’d better get started then…

To make Ghost and Summer seem that much more awesome and to make us all beg for No One to start having her (old and the new) god(s) damned wolf dreams already!