
I had no interest in taking out more debt to go back to school, but now that I see this, I’m thinking maybe my Bachelors of Fine Arts would look more appealing with a snazzy Masters of Fine Arts like this hanging on the wall next to it and an even larger pile of student loan debt collection letters underneath it…

Yes, and we promise we’ll send oxygen and food in the next shuttle. It’s right behind them, we swear…

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what dudes they make action figures of for the eventual Black Widow movie. Because what kid will want to play with the character whose name is in the title if she’s a girl?

First The 5th Wave, then The Final Six? So what I’m hearing is that all I need to do is announce that I’m maybe considering possibly writing a YA SF novel with the number seven in the title and Sony will give me a movie deal? Challenge accepted.

Like I commented in that X-Men Apocalypse post yesterday, anything is possible with a sufficient application of Technobabble. Pym Particles are just a delightful flavor of technobabble.

I’m sure that in addition to electricity, there’s some powerful technobabble running through it as well to prevent mutants from teleporting out of it or getting through when their mutation provides immunity to electrical damage or anything else that should easily get through that fence.

Any opportunity to post this image (from the always-spectacular arrestedwesteros.com) is welcome:

I didn’t feel the need for Gendry’s return until I saw him nicknamed Boaty McBoatface. Suddenly, now I need it badly.

I haven’t been following comics very much lately, but hot damn, do I want to watch everyone of these as episodes of BTAS.

Now playing

I don’t know how this gem slipped my mind when I made my first comment:

Now playing

This is the song that introduced me to Kirby Krackle (whom I recall io9 profiling a few months ago when theire new album dropped). It still has a spot in my heart:

“Tortoise doesn’t want to be fed. It wants to graze!”

“Oh there you go bringing class into it again…”

It’s at least a little implied that her immunity to burn damage is innate. All the references to how fire cannot harm a dragon, plus that scene where she basically took a bath in boiling water while one of her handmaidens begged her not to hurt herself. After that and Drogo’s funeral pyre, I think it’s just been

Like I said last night, easily within the top two dumbest name changes the show made when adapting the Iron Isles plotline. I think this one is only slightly less dumb than Yara because I’m pretty sure the Salt Throne/Seastone Chair won’t be a recurring character with its own multi-season arc.

I honestly don’t find Ramsay that ludicrously predictable. In some respects, he’s not the greater monster than the character he’s most often compared to because Joffrey was already king and felt he didn’t have to play any political games. Ramsay has to tread with a bit more care. He can’t be as monstrous as he wants

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If Iwan Rheon ever wants to play the Joker, he’s just spent the last three years making the audition tape that will guarantee him that job.

I imagine that there’s some weird switch in our brains (no doubt from decades of military action games and war movies) that suggests that it’s, maybe not “acceptable”, but less unheroic for our heroes to kill certain classes, namely soldiers (gangsters and cops-that-the-story-goes-out-of-its-way-to-paint-as-corrupt

I’m going to have to disagree. Morpheus is a full-fledged mentor character who happens to be of African ancestry. There’s always going to be hints of that old trope that someone can latch onto when you have that combination going on (that is, black and fulfilling a mentor role to a white protagonist), but he is way

A. “Skippy the Jedi Droid” was never canon. B. Screw you! “Skippy the Jedi Droid” was awesome!