
Oh yeah, I mostly cut out soda between Surge’s initial run and revival, but I had to have one for old time’s sake.

Does being an archetypal mentor figure who trains the protagonist in heavy-duty capital-M Magic really fall under the umbrella of the Magical Negro trope? Isn't that more often referring to someone who comes along and helps the protagonist be less emotionally broken and shitty to his family, maybe self-actualize a

Charlie, everyone knows the rule is that you don’t replace a hard c with a different letter unless you’ve got other instances of making that same replacement (see: any ad ever for a Mortal Kombat game, anything marmeted by Krusty the Klown), and since you went on to use four q’s without u’s in rapid succession, that’s

I kind of forgot Hi-C was a Coke product. Perhaps they learned something about our generation’s immense, inexplicable nostalgia for green drinks when they brought back Surge a few years ago. (I've been out of the loop. Is Surge still back or was that just a limited revival?)

You were the first to recover from your laughing fit enough to be able to type about it?

They could have used Luke Cage; that would have been a Powerful choice. And they probably would have had nothing to fear if they dared to promote Matt Murdock to the big screen.

Although, I would point out that I think it’s more about the “carefully craft” part than the “universe of movies setting up the team’s characters” part. I don’t see why, especially in DC’s case where they have two superheroes with the cultural cache of a character who took until the 14th MCU movie to even be allowed

Technically, I believe they’d be “White Riders”…

D’ya think it’s fair to assume that the white uniform connoting the rank in the Imperial Fleet of Grand Admiral is something that’s been salvaged from the old EU, or would I be off-base to call that dude in white a Grand Admiral?

I really love that. So often you get these hyper-competent villains, which is sometimes cool, but there's not a whole lot of variety. I think my favorite example of that is the Goa'uld in SG-1. They were so insanely powerful, but utterly incompetent in every regard, hence, they started out terrifying, but as SGC

While I still largely agree with the “Dr. Strange didn’t have to be another white guy” crowd, I gotta say, Benedict Mostenglishnameimagineable looks the part pretty much perfectly now that he’s all dressed up and dyed.

Not so sure that the original Allegory of the cave suffered for not having Hugo Weaving?

Well, Plato's version was severely lacking in trench coats, kung fu, and Hugo Weaving, so they get a pass...

Treat your audience like they’re idiots and you’ll go far far away (and a long time ago, like, to 1977).

Considering how much casual s

Yeah, that and DKR were what I was thinking of when I mentioned crazy Elseworlds futures. Adding another “something like…” just felt clunky, though, so I skipped the concrete examples.

Bah, when your superpower is being rich enough to build rockets and improbably advanced space stations, who needs to worry about things like fuel economy or ease of finding replacement parts? Hell, it’s probably less suspicious for Bruce Wayne and Alfred to be hanging out in the Batcave manually machining all the

I rather liked the adaptation of Ender’s Game. It’d been a while since I’d read the book, so I couldn’t really say how inaccurate it was, but it didn’t really pull its punches like The Golden Compass or screw everything up like The Golden Compass or somehow take a book full of gorgeous visuals and make some of them

And now Star Wars is paying homage to Firefly. The circle is complete.

The giant, conspicuous, flying eye, however, is a nice satire of one of the more common uses of current drones. I’m guessing that’s not intentional, but looking at that one in the…museum lobby? Train station? The thumbnail of the attached YouTube video, wherever it takse place, it’s like someone looked at 1984 and was