
What about swallows? Do they still migrate?

I’ve figured out who McShane is playing:

Has it been confirmed that Ser Robert Strong is the reanimated corpse of Gregor Clegane, or is that still in the realm of “fan theory that’s so obvious it only wouldn’t be true if George R. R. Martin decided to write in some completely absurd alternate explanation just to troll the fans who think they’ve figured out

Well, good to know Crackpot Movie Reviews are still around even if the “Crackpot Movie Review” tag isn’t still in use...

Dead in the show, alive in the books? Close enough…

So, since I’m guessing that being set in the Forgotten Realms is inevitable, I demand Minsc and Boo make an appearance, if not actually star in, the D&D movie. “Butt-kicking for goodness!”

DRM-protected coffee? I forget, is that one of the signs described in Revelations, or just something out of a novel that Cory Doctorow wrote after taking mescaline and channeling Philip K. Dick via Ouija board? Either way, it’s not something that belongs in the real world.

I don’t know why it wouldn’t. They’re perfectly cromulent.

This could really stand to be executed better. Sitting isn’t a pose that I think of when I think of Lying Cat. In my mind, she’s always prowling, or perhaps lounging. There ought to be more diferentiation in color and texture between her back (is her back armored? I’ve never been able to figure out what’s going on

Is the term “bone” really appropriate for invertebrate sex? Hell, is it even appropriate for sex between vertebrates where the male lacks a penile bone? Please, if our immature terminology for sex isn’t scientifically accurate, what good is it?

But they gave Miller the wrong style of hat, and that is unforgiveable.

I, again, refer you to the "I'm really not that well versed in Cyberpunk" portion of my comment. Relationships like that are largely unknown to me.

I was aiming for Shadowrun. Do all the fantasy elements not differentiate it enough? (I’m asking genuinely, as I’m really not that well versed in Cyberpunk)

Work in some trolls, elves, and dwarves and a farther-futuristic feel (and, why not, some magic), and then you’ll have my attention…

“Last Six Months”? Many of the listed ailments are recovered from at the next extended rest, if not the end of the encounter.

Now playing

I guess it requires the last line (last three if you include the initial line and request for clarification to drive home the point) from the previous scene to be anything special, but no Raiders of the Lost Ark? For shame…

This list contains two uses of the phrase “boy and his dog”, one of which is referred to as being the best, but neither of which is actually the best “boy and his dog” story. This is:

A Joker Mark Hamil’s age would be an interesting take. Though, I guess if severe liberties were taken in adapting DKR to replace the Miller-ness and the 80's-ness, that could be cool.

I’m tempted to wait a few hours so I can claim it’s l’esprit de l’escalier that reminded me that English doesn’t need words for all these things when it has no problem just stealing them as-is, but I’m not that patient.

Man, these theories aren’t nearly crazy enough. Clearly she’s the daughter of Chewbacca. Or maybe R5-D4. How about Guri? Anyone remember her? That would totally work.