
Leviathan Wakes is a space opera action story that just happens to have a somewhat noir-ish missing persons case and a slowly unfolding conspiracy story as its central plot threads (until they get braided into one central plot thread about halfway through when the two POV characters finally meet up). Honestly, I can’t

No Team Venture? Seriously, I don’t care what the weather looks like, if you can start watching The Venture Bros. and not turn it into a binge-session, you’re probably some sort of humor-hating robot. Sorry you had to find out this way...

This whole article was written for the sole purpose of getting "Margaritaville" stuck in all our heads, wasn't it?

The wide variety and evolution of both sides’ starfighters really should have stayed canon. The 2016-model X-wings and classic TIE fighters with a fresh set of paint really don’t do it for me, not when I’ve piloted B-wings and Y-wings and A-wings and commanded squadrons of TIE Defenders and TIE Phantoms. I guess,

There was some that was positively brilliant. Some that had great ideas and terrible execution. Some were video games that let you take on pretty much every fantasy Star Wars ever created (Jedi, hotshot pilot, interstellar military strategist, bounty hunter etc.) and thus are automatically revered so long as either

So, do we think Finn is a Force Sensitive? He held on in a lightsaber fight with Kylo Ren much longer than any idiot with a lightsaber ought to have, and lightsaber-weilding Finn was all over the marketing. Unless all the trailers for Empire Strikes Back featured Han lighting up a saber to win a duel with a dead

Once death is not permanent, then why should we be concerned if any character dies?

Now playing

But what happens next will blow your mind!

Every time I re-watch Dulcinea, I find the need to complain that they gave Miller the wrong style of hat. I don’t care if the trilby is closer to the old-school noir fedora, that’s not Miller’s hat. The man rocks a porkpie. The rest of the episode has been faithful enough (though, now that I’m thinking about my petty

That’s not Tom Jane’s fault. He can totally do sad sack:

His “Y’all” or two did seem kinda forced. In the book, I can’t recall one word out of Alex’s mouth that didn’t come across as Texan to me. Show-Alex so far just kinda seems to have a neutral accent but say “Y’all” occasionally. Then again, he hasn’t had much to say yet.

I was under the impression (IMDB seems to back me up, also all the marketing promising a “Two-night premier”) that The Expanse was airing its second episode “The Big Empty” tonight as well. “Dulcinea” was fantastic, though I’ll probabably never get sick of pointing it out —until something that I won’t spoil happens

Dear TV,

I thought sexposition was what people did best in Game of Thrones

I spent a good chunk of the summer playing Fallout 3 this way, deliberately not fast traveling. Period. The temptation was there, and every so often I’d pull up my map when enemies are around and get the system telling me I can’t fast travel now when all I wanted to do was scroll the map, but the experience of not

I wonder (though I’m definitely diverging into the territory of “speculating to cover up a glaring mistake) if the technology in Star Wars might be advanced enough that there’s not much point trying to camoflage oneself purely for visual light. Like, considering that the Clone Wars were largely fought against droids,

When can we upgrade this agreement to extrasolar planets? I’ve got a long list of people whom I’m sure would benefit all of humanity if they went off and mined LV-426…

Since I just flipped over to Facebook and saw an acquaintance “cheating” by using her Ren Faire garb, that reminds me, I’d love to throw together a Plague Doctor costume for Halloween and Ren Faires.