
- The wife telling me that she needed a different side that wasn’t vegetables because she was allergic to all vegetables.

It just ocured to me— while listening to said novel waiting for a bus— that the Welcome To Night Vale novel has just made Welcome to Night Vale costumes as simple and inexpensive as a scrap of paper and a pencil with which to write KING CITY on said scrap of paper. Plus, by virtue of the novel just having come out,

Harrison Ford is still a fine actor. I don’t know that he’s cut out for too much action at this age (though, I think KOTCS is my only indicator, which had a host of other problems, so it’s tough to judge), but he’s still a phenomenal actor. He was one of the best parts of Ender’s Game when I finally saw it. If they

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On a similar note, for those of us with lighter complexions, Hawaiian shirts, and the willingness to brave our respective October 31st weather without any pants…

Doc, I think I may like your Litany Against Fear better than Frank Herbert’s, if that’s not too sacreligious a claim. However, I think I like LW2’s “mental old granny with the cats” better than your “jerkbrain”. Perhaps you could steal it from him (with one of those handy footnote/parenthetical citations you do when

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”

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For the era where everything was awesome and one could pretend anything was something cool, like a dragon, or a sword, or a robot, etc.

...Or How Guillermo Stopped Worrying and Learned to Make the Internet Explode.

October 21, 2015? But my Facebook feed assures me that the date in 2015 that Marty traveled to actually fell on any one of about 1,095 days between 2012 and 2015…

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I’m not so sure about some of the liberties they’re taking as they speed through the most recent chapters of the source material and into unpublished territory beyond, but the first few seasons of Game of Thrones were spectacular adaptations of A Song of Ice and Fire.

While the technical aspects of the Battle of Yavin’s effects may have improved, I’m still extremely annoyed that Lucas & Co. decided to give the, like, four squadron’s from the Rebels’ desperate last stand in the original release so many reinforcements for the Special Edition. The nigh-limitless resources of the

If that wasn’t bad enough, I think this is the only one that’s still waiting for its pair of wings:

My favorite anti-Batman isn’t one of the myriad “Law-enforcement failed them, so they’re eeeeeevil” ones. My favorite is the “Batman failed him, so he’s out to prove Batman’s doing it wrong” version:

Wait. Kotaku Dr. Nerdlove is bi-weekly? Why do I not feel like I read it twice a week, but also haven’t missed every other article when I click on the tag?

I think it goes back to Star Wars in various game forms, from KOTOR to Star Wars Monopoly.

My phone has trouble pasting URLs into the “Insert Image” field, so I’ll have to skip that step, but how about that thing where one book is split up into two or more movies? Like The Hobbit or the last book in every YA series. Because no matter what anyone says, there’s one reason to make multiple movies out of one

Hey, some of us liked being able to try and fail at things our characters aren’t skilled at, or to get the twenty-to-one success right when we most need it because the gods happened to be smiling on us. I know I’ve done that in, like, older Elder Scrolls and Fallout games and D&D and the CRPGs based on it. But, yeah,

So, it looks like I’ll be spamming IN to rock my beloved Energy Weapons in FO4 now. No more moderately intelligent but freakishly perceptive post-apocalyptic would-be Zeuses for me, I guess…

Eh, probably seemed a good idea at the time. The show got off to a really slow start and was too different from the Stargates that had gone before. Probably lost a lot of viewers that way and didn’t get enough back by the time it started to get really really good. I mean, we can be pissed. God knows it needed more of

I think part of the issue with Who’s companions is that since the Ponds left, there’s only been one at a time, and that one is going to, by default, be an attractive female human from the present. That seems kinda mandatory, and only when we expand the ensemble do we get characters like