
Don’t forget future pansexual Time-Agent human Jack Harkness, who definitely traveled with the crew often enough and frequently enough to be an informal companion.

This sounds like it’s setting up to be a spectacular trainwreck. I never bothered with Alien: Paradise Lost: The Prequel, because by all accounts it was utterly boring, but this sounds like something I’ll be first in line to watch the Rifftrax of. Like, we’re shaping up for

Not necessarily. I’m more than open to DM-ing, just a little nervous since it didn’t go too well when I tried it for a couple sessions with my old group back home. I’ve got stuff I’d be interested to do as a DM, but I think what I wanted to do didn’t gel with what they were used to doing, and I took it poorly.

But then check back sometime between the halfway point of Season 1 and the start of Season 2 to see if it suddenly, inexplicably got its shit together and got really really good too late to do more than make its cancellation tragic and inevitable instead of just inevitable.

Wizards of the Coasts forums used to be a great place to find people to play D&D, but they recently (and inexplicably) announced they’ll be closing their forums down completely at the end of October.

Isn’t there a certain degree of legal selling of fanart? Like, at cons, can’t you go and legally (or at least, without getting arrested) buy yourself someone’s non-licensed art of a licensed character? There’s protection for fanartists, right? I know I’ve seen it discussed in the comments whenever someone posts a

I don’t know. Batman’s all about striking fear into that “cowardly and superstitious lot”; something noisy and flashy that tears down the streets to the villain’s lair with guns a-blazing leaving a trail of jet fuel vapors in its wake is totally his style.

Fallout figures I’d happily shell out $20 for a figure of:

I don’t know about texting being an absolute necessity. Body-mounted, one-touch voice communication is pretty ubiquitous, and no one seems to have any qualms about just broadcasting their conversations to everyone within earshot. Could be that texting in the 24th century is as vestigial a communicator feature as voice

I don’t know about “hate”, but I didn’t really “get” Dr. Girlfriend when I first watched The Venture Bros. Making my way back through the series, I suddenly find her hilarious, easily the most competent character, and the fact that literally everyone goes on about her voice and the fact that for most of the series

“I regularly play as him in the board game as thoroughly in character as possible.”

Merely walking around the Enterprise-D in VR? How…pedestrian

I think it’s worth noting that you’ll have DLC and sales on said DLC to either bring you back to or convince you to finally get around to some of these games that you missed or didn’t give their due at launch. I know I’ve got a lot of work to do on my computer before I get to enjoy Fallout 4, but at the same time,

All of these are still less silly than preventing the apocalypse using the power of love, and jumping into black holes, and time travel, and anti-gravity, and love.

Mine was a handful of sessions of 3.5th Edition D&D freshman year of college. It hit all the bad tabletop roleplaying cliches in the best possible way, probably because our DM was experienced enough with both DM-ing and that particular edition that he could roll with pretty much anything we tried to throw at him.

You should have gone with a different ship:

Well, millions of dollars in effects, or a generic, infinitely replaceable bald white guy in a suit. Which do you think requires a bigger return on investment to justify a sequel?

Well, it’s still better than those of us who had to name ours after Kaiju. They don’t make insurance good enough for me to get ol’ Leatherback checked out…