
Maybe they assume you’ll only be awake for 342 sunrises and sleep in the rest of the year.

I can’t wait until we discover processed ingredients and HFCS in the diet of paleolithic humans. That’ll really stick it to the paleo dieters.

I assumed he meant the cops, not the weapons, had hair triggers. I may have been reading too much into it, based on taking a second look at his actual phrasing, but that interpretation seems to be in line with at least the way a lot of recent police shootings have been reported.

“The politics of failure have failed. It’s time to make them work again!”

Truly, they were speaking truth to way too many varieties of power…

Because they wanted their vast underground complex to still be above sea level?

That whole reptoid/shapeshifting reptilian aliens (I never heard them called “reptoids” until way after I discovered the conspiracy, so the term never really stuck for me) conspiracy is so very, very ridiculous. However, I find it intriguing without ever having fact-checked it (and knowing how easy it would be to look

Interestingly, you know where there’s still plenty of megafauna prey, especially mammoths, for dire wolves? North of The Wall.

“Dark Side Artifacts”

I agree, largely thanks to Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. They were a surprisingly badass faction in that game.

Can we collectively stop making such a big deal out of water recycling? I mean, it’s a necessary part of space travel, which is a necessary part of our species’ future. It’s a valuable stop-gap in drought-strickedn regions (looking at you, The Nightly Show report from a few months ago about California’s

Indeed, I’d recycle yesterday’s coffee in the ISS rather than reheat two weeks’ ago’s coffee in the break room any day.

Many of my favorite unfairly-treated shows got to end on high notes, rushed closure if not actual plot conclusion. SGU got none of that. It got an unceremonious cliffhanger just when it had found its feet and maximum emotional weight.

Well, as someone who has a bad habit of imagining characters absolutely nothing like they’re described in the novels, I’ve gotten used to overlooking that problem (unless someone tries again tries with The Dresden Files. Jim Butcher thoroughly describes every character’s appearance, like once per book to the point

I think Terry Pratchett answered this one for us in Equal Rites:

I feel like everything that you’re suggesting is what I loved* about the source material for The Expanse, but I feel like that’s not what anyone making the show (at least, based on the promotional material) wants to focus on. I’m not prejudging, and I’m going to watch the Hell out of it when it starts, but the thing

So, you’re suggesting only 1% of articles out there are mocking the movies? Or 99% of articles specifically mocking the books. Because I only know Twilight by watching all four movies (with the accompanying Rifftrax, which accidentally made them some of the best movies I’ve ever watched), but I think that entitles me

You’ve probably just opened yourself up to getting at least two suggestions, followed by a “but you really can’t go wrong with any of them” per person who responds. Here’re my two:

I’ve been saying since I first read it that the Foundation trilogy (perhaps less so its sequels. I haven’t read past Second Foundation yet, but their reputation doesn’t put them very high on my list) could make an excellent miniseries. Knowing that, back in the day, they made apparently rather well-received

In my wildest dreams, there’s an animated version of Saga that looks like it was made by Genndy Tartakosky back in his Samurai Jack-to-Clone Wars Adventures heyday.