
Obviously, it’s to continue to shame parents of humble means whose children require hourly head-lancing once said children get too old for the infant-sized hydraulic death screw. Duh.

Why does Acererak still have so much flesh in that picture? I totally picture Liches as… well, come to think of it, if I don’t have a Monster Manual in front of me, I tend to picture them exactly like Xykon from Order of the Stick. Why didn’t this fan artist just use the mental image that I stole from Rich Burlew?

That would jive with their decision to name their group after similarly immature canines…

Thanks to the Disney movie, that paper title is starting to make me picture a version of Beauty and the Beast in which dinosaurs form the basis of all the transformations of the Beast’s household.

The big brain am winning again! He’s the greetest!

Garfield really did get his dream job and then watched a bunch of decisions he had no part of rip it apart. Sigh.

There’s a distinct lack of 4,000 BBY in that timeline. Disney, if you want me to care about your new canon, it needs to stretch back to the days of lightsabers with external power packs and Sith Lords who fight with illusions and Force-assisted supernovas and magical talismans, and the Jedi as a bunch of vaguely

You’re at the start of a wonderful, fifteen-going-on-sixteen-book journey. It only gets better from those first couple, and the first couple are damned good books.

Right around the middle of the series the Dresden Files gets to be this. It’s great before that, and spectacular after Changes comes along and does exactly what it says on the cover, but it’s never quite as fun as the middle of the series, I don’t think (though, Ghost Story had some fun bits, specifically when Harry’s

I like this. A lot. In fact, if we could just find a third dwarf and some indication that Dany is actually not a Targaryen so that the new Targaryen invasion can be all dwarves (shoot, I don’t have my copies of the books with me. Does George use “dwarves” or “dwarfs”?), I’d be even happier.

Nah, show-Jon is just older/older-looking than book-Jon. According to the Wiki of Ice and Fire, she and Jon were born in the same year.

I hope R+L= Meera and just Meera. Talk about your shocking plot twist. Plus, it either opens us up to find a third, Targaryen sister for a badass, all-women-warrior dragon invasion of Westeros or it gives Tyrion* a harem of Targaryen half-sisters, either of which is awesome.

Poor Kristen. I feel like this exact conversation is going to get repeated word-for-word every time anyone tries to convince anyone else to see one of her non-Twilight movies for the rest of her career.

Because of course, you can’t be on the show and then become the Doctor. Just ask Peter Capaldi…

I know in Baldur’s Gate, Shillelagh gave you a magic club for its duration rather than improving the club/quarterstaff you were already wielding, so that’s, like, a slight improvement. Doesn’t seem to be the case in any non-CRPG version of the spell I’ve seen.

Agh! I cast Banish Dazzle! I cast Banish Dazzle!

I feel like one doesn’t so much invite the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth so much as plan for their inevitably showing up uninvited to the point where, for all intents and purposes, they’re invited.

Luckily, Fox released a clip, for promotional purposes, that contains my number one complaint about how this movie handles Sue: