
They’ve gotten much slower in recent seasons, but I still check Arrested Westeros pretty regularly because they’re consistently the best Game of Thrones + ______ mashups out there (Westerama has a good one or two, but they haven’t updated since before I learned about them and read all of their content).

It’s been so long since I read the books, and I don’t really remember many details, especially when it comes to Rickon. That may be the case, but whether he’s actually warging or not is tough to tell when he’s not a narrator (same with Robb, it’s a lot of circumstantial evidence, second- or thirdhand accounts, and

I’m not saying it’s not significant, I’m merely suggesting that, as a counter to Ninth Wanderer’s point that R+L=J only means something if Jon lives to be a Targaryen heir, that if Jon’s parents were literally anyone other than Rhaegar and Lyanna, it could matter in different ways that may not necessarily require him

This is all true so long as R+L does in fact = J. Given George’s propensity for Red Harington’s (sorry, I’ve been wanting to make that pun ever since the, like, 4th time his name came up in the article and couldn’t work it in until now) and trying to avoid the ‘obvious’ thing that ‘all’ the fans have guessed, if R+L≠J

Nor that the book versions of all the Stark narrators (sorry, Rickon) who still have living Direwolves (sorry, Sansa) have been hinted to have warging powers. I’m still waiting for the show to give us some of Arya’s wolf dreams, and I seem to recall the connection between Robb and Gray Wind on the field of battle

If I may play the White Walker’s Advocate regarding narrative payoff: A Game of Thrones’ central, driving plot was Ned trying to figure out who killed Jon Arryn and why, a question which was answered for us towards the end of A Storm of Swords, two books after Ned died. The tail end of A Storm of Swords was largely

I’m almost finished with Nemesis Games. I’m a little disappointed in myself that I had all that time off right when it came out and I didn’t just plow through it in one sitting. After that, my mom’s copy of James Michener’s Centennial just got dropped off for me after a few years buried on my cousin’s bookshelf


Bravo, fellow commenter. Bravo. Understand that I don’t give out the ol’ Citizen Kane Clapping gif lightly; I save it for the highest caliber of comment, the cream of the crop, and you, sir or madam, have earned it with this line.

Ramsey’s a goddamn super villain at this point, and it’s the one thing really taking me out of the show. Like all of his complex little plans always go off without a hitch, and it feels like forced writing.

I’m sure we’re good on the Gray Worm count. For as much as the show and the books want to show they’re not squeamish about killing major characters, I don’t think anyone major has ever been killed off-screen or off-page for real (although, before we were trained in this, book-readers got subjected to an absolutely

True story: My parents’ Camry was broken into their alley last year. We can’t be certain that this is exactly what happened, but we’re pretty sure the thief got as far as jamming something into the ignition to get it to start, realizing that he or she couldn’t drive stick, and fleeing the scene of the crime.

I may have also exhibited a total lack of self-control when it comes to reading answers to puzzles…

Obviously, it’s 6 without the quotation marks, you sneaky riddle-poser.

As I was just saying earlier this morning (in between my usual rant about how it’s good they left out Dodgson’s real motivation in the movies or it would have been physically impossible to root against him), I hope InGen took the time to adapt at least this dinosaur to London’s temperate climate.

Wait wait wait. Big-screen animated Spider-Man in 2018? Neat. Why is this the first I’ve heard of big-screen animated superhero movies that don’t turn back into live action when the hero takes off his/her mask?

Okay, so we’ve had Deinonychus and Utahraptor make their way into this comment thread. I know of just one other likely candidate for the dinosaur that most closely resembles the movie raptors: Achillobator

The alternate dimension where The Critic stayed on the air until just before the inevitable slide in quality that marks everything both good and long-running rather than cut tragically short like its run was in our dimension?