
I was thinking along similar lines (consciousness-uploading, though I hadn’t quite gone to the Android degree. Something about being a meatbag in Fallout just seems more right than the alternative), but I came to the conclusion that experiments in consciousness-uploading made way too much sense for a Vault-Tec

I feel like (given most of what the quoted tweets go on to talk about), Game of Thrones is kind of, love it or hate it, an ideal example though of what he’s talking about, how he’s judging its success and, thus, how the success of any comparable show is going to be judged. It’s big. It’s successful. It’s got an

and Keanu completely flippers out.

I think, and I’m mainly pointing this out as I’ve been reading the comments trying to jog some more specific response, like perhaps a defense of The Matrix or the scapegoating of another film, but I think it’s important to note that this doesn’t seem to necessarily be hating on The Matrix. Granted, Josh doesn’t strike

I misread his name in your comment as “Dolphin Lundgren”, and the mental image I got is fantastic. I want to see some Dolphin Lundgren action movies, like One in the Blowhole and Krill of Redemption

Now playing

Obligatory (NSFW because George Carlin drops constant F-bombs):

And it doesn’t help that the guy who made them cool for a whole generation decided to go and make that character ridiculous, thus dooming even the non-Trilby versions of the fedora to ridiculousness…

Barring some sort of Butlerian Jihad, or wild divergence in the development of our technology, or apocalypse that drives us back to the Dark Ages, I think computers in a reasonably recognizable form will be around for a good long time. Storing vast quantities of information and accessing it instantaneously isn’t

That’s why you have to go and flip a bird to the reinheitsgebot. Go crazy and go beyond grain, water, and yeast.

It’s been a while since I watched Firefly, but all I can think of is the special hell for child molesters and people who talk at the theater, which is what I was covering. What else am I missing?

(A fall 2015 release would be wonderful.)

Why would there be? Unless she was a child when Han started flirting with her or they talked loudly during a movie date.

Lots of Morrowind, though it’s tapered off a bit since I’ve been able to read Nemesis Games starting today (Tuesday Game Room and Wednesday Book Club all rolled into one comment? Why not?).

Oh, I absolutely had no doubt she was going to be fridged, it was more just all the un-Batman that preceded her fridging that bugged me. The Batman I know and love wouldn’t have gotten in a fraction of the situations that Kevin Smith Batman got into in those 6 issues.

Now we just need to figure out a way to show this to that person that shows up on, like, every other page of Our Valued Customers (and, also, to everyone else who thinks that this sort of thing is easy, simple, perhaps, in that all you really have to do is to take a seat and power through the years of sucking before

I understand the need for journalistic integrity, but I feel that every word of this article not being “I am Groot” was a tragic missed opportunity on your part, James.

I read that not as “Tales to Astonish: Groot!” but rather “Tales to Astonish Groot!”

I’m not familiar enough with the Bat-canon (not to be confused with the Bat-cannon which was used in episode 124* of the 1960’s Batman series to launch Batman human cannonball-style into the Joker’s evil three ring circus to do battle with the Clown Prince of Crime) to know if they really never should have gotten

Unlike original recipe Kirk and Spock where the internet is full of dubiously viable “evidence” that they can and should (Ah, Hell, it’s probably out there for reboot-Kirk and reboot-Spock but they’re way more fun to hate on).

I’ve been away for it for longer than I’d like, and today has mostly been spent crying/laughing over the Community finale and reading the new Expanse novel that just showed up today, but my early prototypes for my post-apocalyptic fantasy* RPG are coming along nicely. The basic, unrefined combat seems reasonably