
I don't have time to watch the video yet, but I was very impressed by the space battles in Leviathan Wakes and its sequels from a realistic yet still very exciting standpoint. Crew members are constantly worrying about the gee forces they're subjected to (especially mechanics who may be forced to do repairs in tight

Between all the irradiated fungi and drug abuse in the series, this makes me really want to see, and kinda surprised that I haven't yet seen a bad trip happen in a Fallout game…

So, I've never been a dog owner due to pet hair allergies among other members of the household, but is Arizona Green Tea a typical component of the Corgi diet?

"System Link: 2" is kinda cute, but, in light of all the compelling evidence against it being intentional, it's probably not intentional.

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Any Harley Quinn sex scene that isn't preceded by the spectacular "rev up your Harley" joke from "Mad Love" isn't worth my time.

So, I kinda just realized, while arguing the merits of this design with a friend, that Mega-Slowbro now joins the ranks of the truly dark Pokemon. The first time you Mega-evolve your Slowbro, it's probably pretty freaked out. "Oh my God. My Shellder is eating me. This is how it ends for Slowbro," is the thought that

How, unless you are for some reason concerned about litigation from Penny Arcade, do you not make your MLP-Assassin's Creed mashup somehow riff on the phrase "Assassin's Steed"?

look it might be evil but since I've gone cyborg I just... feel... weirdly... different #beepboopkillallhumans woah

*Dear anyone about to point out that there are not foods from all Seven Kingdoms in this post: stop talking, go outside, and try to talk to another human being, no matter how terrifying the prospect may seem. Seriously, for the love of God, just don't with this.

I can't wait until the next episode when they presumably let Tyrion out of his cell, pour a few glasses of wine, have a heart-to-heart about how terribly they all treat each other and more than a few jabs at their overbearing father before Tyrion ruins the touching moment with an off-color joke about getting in on the

No, I mean the guy he became 20 years later who decided to trample all over his own legacy once everyone who'd tell him otherwise was replaced by a sycophant. Lunacy isn't necessarily a permanent affliction that must have bothered someone from '77 to '97 and beyond.

I don't always use the "Shut up and take my money" meme, but when I do, it's usually because Sid Meier just announced a new game.

While the bowl of petunias was thinking "Oh, not again…", the whale thought, "Not this time!"

You and I must collaborate.

Educating miniscule monstrosities on their internal abilities.

"Between"? I'd say the Utahraptor ostrommaysorum in this diagram is almost exactly the scale of the ones in the movie (although it's hard to be exact since we never saw them in a position where we could conclusively see them compared to an average-sized adult human. The one that kills Muldoon is pretty much at eye

But I had known since many years earlier that you could pinpoint the exact moment if you went frame by frame…

A man may have further stories to tell between the middle of A Clash of Kings and when that character shows up later whose description is like word-for-word the same as this man's description…

I think maybe you mean:

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I can't speak to what it did for the old school Fallout fans, but I definitely put the Fallout 3 and New Vegas trailers among this generation's most memorable.