
This scene pissed me off so very much the first time. I refused to pull the trigger, but I didn't have the Intimidate/Charm to not kill Wrex (and I'd question just how great a moment this is in that the only meaningful change happens if you've maxed out [or near enough] a skill that you can otherwise get by with only

It takes less courage to criticize the decisions of others than to stand by your own.

Incidentally, the comment window jumps to weird locations on my browser when I expand your comment. Perhaps Kinja chose to capture MISSINGNO instead of just killing it to clone Master Balls and Rare Candies…

Somewhat luckily, the vast majority of my e-reading takes place without the aid of WiFi, so I'm limited to just the built-in dictionary in my Kindle Fire, otherwise I'd never get any reading done…

I know it's a rather simple thing, but I've become a big fan of the ability to highlight an unfamiliar word and go straight to the dictionary when reading on my Kindle, to the point that going back to reading paper books has become that cliche that digital artists always talk about (myself included) of looking for

Did not know about Windows+Pause (and may just forget it before I next need it, but, oh well), however, I'm consistently surprised by how few people I know, especially among people who really know their way around their computers, don't seem to know/use Windows+E…

I feel like I'm reading a panel from an xkcd strip, but nothing happens when I hover my mouse over your post…

Oh God, my buddy and I were in the mood for some dirty martinis one night, and we headed to the dive bar a block away from both our houses. I'm sure you can guess that this ends horribly, but the manner of the horribleness is rather spectacular. Despite our best (and at the time, completely sober) efforts, we could

I don't think I can narrow it down past three. A trinity of Prismacolor Col-Erase Pencils in Blue, Green, and one or the other shad of red have served me very well over the past… seven years. Grabbed 'em because they were on the supply list for an animation class, and they've been my drawing pencils of choice ever

Sheesh, maybe if you would think for just a minute you would realize that oh maybe he's being sarcastic as well as the original poster I really wish I knew why I was so tired right now do I want to try another cup of coffee or just keep surfing the internt while intermittently playing Rogue Legacy?

I was told you could live twice, but only if you worked for Mi6…

Houndoom, is that you in the Valiant Hearts GIF? It totally is, isn't it? Ears just flopping back? Tail too short? No, I don't want to hear it! That's a freakin' Houndooom there!

So, is Earth-2 (or whichever Earth the Crime Syndicate comes from in the comics)'s Kryptonite reversed? Because if we were talking Earth-1 Superman (or Earth Prime or whatever the main DC Universe's name is), I would think snorting green would be bad, but snorting Red Kryptonite would be the way to go…

I'd imagine if you have an elderly relative, you might find a lot of them. I know towards the end, my grandmother had tons of different prescriptions that she took on a daily basis.

And believe you me, they know the difference. They. Know.

Maybe they're just reminiscing on their days in the ol' BS of A.

I think it's actually just grabbing the one most attention-grabbing thing from the article to use as a headline. I mean, it's not like posting the ESRB ratngs breakdowns of upcoming games is a new thing for Kotaku, and the pot thing doesn't really get a whole lot of play in the article. It's probably more like Stephen

Oh, but there's some gems that I can already almost hear in sarcastic text-to-speech voices:

I haven't managed a direct comparison because only one of them actually manufactures the combination of paper and orientation that I really want, but I have to give the (admittedly rigged) competition to Handbook Journal Co. over Moleskine. Handbook wins by default for having a landscape-oriented book with heavy,