"Planet I'm from, couldn't see a one of 'em, pollution so thick. Sometimes I think I entered flight school just to see what the hell everyone was talking about."
"Planet I'm from, couldn't see a one of 'em, pollution so thick. Sometimes I think I entered flight school just to see what the hell everyone was talking about."
Well, it was new to me…
That's one of the best CAWP responses I've read in a long time. You, compadre, have an excellent handle on comedic timing…
Nah, nevermind, I got nothing. Lousy 8 AM shifts…
Is it something about… (SPOILERS in reply)
Oh, wait, just thought of it:
I was only thinking actors, so I wasn't all that torn up.
8 ) Are you kidding? I have friends who couldn't find the time to add a single short novel to their ever-backing-up to-read pile, much less 5 fairly large ones. Seeing them react to that scene is part of why I can't frakking wait for Season 3, even if that scene's counterpart will almost certainly be stuck in Season 4.
Spy is a spectacular British sitcom, a Hulu exclusive series, that follows lovable everyman Tim as he struggles to keep his classified job at Mi5 secret from his ex-wife, evil genius son, and series of ridiculous custody counselors. It, I think, just finished its second season (British TV-style, i.e. a handful of…
If they buy their Evangelical Permits they are…
I like how we're on the same page about how to talk about… spoilers here. Oh man, can't wait to see Tyrion do… something and make… a specific witty remark…
Perhaps not someone but…some…thing…onthewing!
Stolen dragons is pretty bad, but I've gotta give the biggest misstep of GOT season 2 to making Bran and Rickon's "death" completely unbelievable. That was the moment in the books where I was like "Holy crap! Even characters not played by Sean Bean aren't safe. Seeing Cat moping for the rest of… a while… will probably…
I know it's vague, but anyone else?
Looks like JWST is currently projecting a 2018 launch. That do anything for ya?
I think it might be one of those "commas save lives" kinda things, but perhaps with elipses: "Extra bones… in her eyelid" versus "extra bones in her eyelid."
Well, don't forget, it's only Kryptonite-compatible. You still need to get your hands on some Kryptonite and jury-rig it into your laser before you can start committing crime with impunity in Metropolis…
DC, kindly turn to the above historical anecdote if you ever feel the need to reboot Hal Jordan's backstory…
It's probably got some weird link to all those alien autopsies they were doing…
It's lasers are green. Isn't that enough, by comic book logic, to at least make them Kryptonite-compatible?