I've started to just sort of automatically replace "majority" with "vocal minority" in subjective enough contexts. It's worked out fairly well for me so far...
I've started to just sort of automatically replace "majority" with "vocal minority" in subjective enough contexts. It's worked out fairly well for me so far...
If he just replaced interviews with duels, that'd be awesome. He already had that swordfight when Elijah Wood brought Sting. Maybe Martin Freeman can do the same. Perhaps Sean Bean can bring Ice when he does the media blitz for whatever he next dies in; if Samuel L. Jackson doesn't have a lightsaber from his time in…
Barely related, but am I the only one who saw the title image and imagined the "Rains of Castamere" being worked into Cats?
"2)" put on the One Ring and now we can't see it, but it's somewhere around here...
That poor Goomba, his constipation, immortalized in video game history...
There are more (smaller) renders at the GitHub page for mcobj. Looks like you could, if you were so inclined, also use this software to sneak out a quick map of that cave network you were exploring...
Depends on the people. I know that certain versions of those Minecraft Enterprise-D's that you always see floating around the internet are pre-scripted. This? I don't know.
Oh, there are other options...
I always just assumed Charlie Sheen was a poorly executed unfunny stereotype of himself...
I think, as I've seen it pop up a lot in the discussions around this article, it's largely a functional argument. A lot of the self-professed 'smug atheists' here (who, in my mind, with a few notable exceptions, aren't the same smug atheists CJA was talking about in the initial posts) suggest that once your definition…
That last point isn't completely absurd. I'd say one look at Earth is proof that life is a pretty likely occurrence, given the proper conditions. The universe is vast enough, and we're finding more and more planets all the time, and we're getting better and better at finding ones with more and more similar conditions…
I feel like you're leaving out (and I don't know how sizable a chunk this is, though it's a category under which I fall) a shade of gray in there, kinda between agnostic and religious, the, for lack of a better term, spiritual. I wouldn't say you necessarily have to be any particular religion to feel like there's a…
"Fifty-six? FIFTY-SIX? Oh man, now that's all I can think about! I'm gonna kill you, you...you no-good fifty-sixing..."
"click to make giant"